My Throttle Cable Stuck!!!!!!!


New member
Dec 17, 2011
ok well it actually wasn't the cable it's just fine but last night my throttle stuck open so at about eighty miles an hour i was forced to bail before i could get it shut off. It went crashing through the woods about three hundred yards. when i got to it i was surprised to see that i only broke my cowling thank god. it took me another two hours to get out of this two feet of powder and trees curse you POWDER BOG. ya and I'm pretty sure i ruined my belt to it will barely grab. But here is the issue at full throttle this thing sticks now and i know its not the cable. any ideas?
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ouch man. do you have the tors hooked up? couldof saved ya the crash. i would look for something binding.
tait89 said:
ok well it actually wasn't the cable it's just fine but last night my throttle stuck open so at about eighty miles an hour i was forced to bail before i could get it shut off. It went crashing through the woods about three hundred yards. when i got to it i was surprised to see that i only broke my cowling thank god. it took me another two hours to get out of this two feet of powder and trees curse you POWDER BOG. ya and I'm pretty sure i ruined my belt to it will barely grab. But here is the issue at full throttle this thing sticks now and i know its not the cable. any ideas?

So at 80 miles an hour plus, the snowmobile went into a forest of trees and all that happen was you broke your cowling? You jumped shipped at 80 miles an hour and was not harmed?

Dude, go buy a lottery ticket.
SRX_700 said:
So at 80 miles an hour plus, the snowmobile went into a forest of trees and all that happen was you broke your cowling? You jumped shipped at 80 miles an hour and was not harmed?

Dude, go buy a lottery ticket.
mmmmmm where the tors protection goes on that sled
ya its super easy to forget when your going that fast and are about twenty yards from woods. it wasnt super dense woods but the sled glanced off trees that would have destroyed it head on. and no i dont have a tors system on the sled i bought it for 800 bucks i mean come on. and no it was not alcohol related. when i ditched the sled i rolled off in powder and key word i rolled. ya i haven't had a chance to take a good look at it but it def ruined my night.
I'm going to get some pics of the damage tonight and go back out and try to get pics of where it went through the trees
hey could of been worse. couldof ben in the hospital or worse yet.. dead. the machine dont mean much as long as your alright in the end ya kno. now figure out whats binding and get some sort of fail safe on that sled before you hurt yourself or someone else. i would consider it a lucky lesson learned. hook a tether swich up to it. easy enough.. and chep then if ya bail sled cuts out or you can just pull your arm back to disable sled. to pull it out ya kno?
tait89 said:
ya its super easy to forget when your going that fast and are about twenty yards from woods. it wasnt super dense woods but the sled glanced off trees that would have destroyed it head on. and no i dont have a tors system on the sled i bought it for 800 bucks i mean come on. and no it was not alcohol related. when i ditched the sled i rolled off in powder and key word i rolled. ya i haven't had a chance to take a good look at it but it def ruined my night.

ya u pretty much freak out when that $hit goes down. u are 1 lucky kid. i am going 2 try and keep that switch in the back of my mind when riding. really will require an effort.
Maybe I'm just weird, but the moment I suspect something is amiss, that's the first thing I think to do is hammer the kill switch down and shut the SOB off lol. Glad you're alright though man!
tait89 said:
ok well it actually wasn't the cable it's just fine but last night my throttle stuck open so at about eighty miles an hour i was forced to bail before i could get it shut off. It went crashing through the woods about three hundred yards. when i got to it i was surprised to see that i only broke my cowling thank god. it took me another two hours to get out of this two feet of powder and trees curse you POWDER BOG. ya and I'm pretty sure i ruined my belt to it will barely grab. But here is the issue at full throttle this thing sticks now and i know its not the cable. any ideas?

Unless someone yanked the TORS switches or one is faulty, you should be able to hook it back up to avoid this kind of issue. Since you bought it used perhaps someone disconnected it while trying to diagnose or mis-adjusted idle/cable too tight.

As for what is sticking - I'd disconnect the cable at the carb rack and cycle the throttle slowly feeling for any drag or binding. If nothing, cycle the carb cable wheel feeling for the same.

You may have iced a slide which you may not be able to confirm now but if you have water/snow in the air box it might be a clue.

Glad to hear you're okay. Scary business.
i think the icing idea is really possible i've been playing around with the airbox then it snowed i know i got probably to much snow down the box and not to long after that is when it stuck. if i let it thaw out and then just let it run for a while could that eliminate the water that originally caused the icing?
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you could pull it in a warm area pull the carb covers off and let them dry out and at least see if you have water on your slides. could use a hair dryer to speed up the process if you do.
tait89 said:
i think the icing idea is really possible i've been playing around with the airbox then it snowed i know i got probably to much snow down the box and not to long after that is when it stuck. if i let it thaw out and then just let it run for a while could that eliminate the water that originally caused the icing?

If you're confident it isn't still stuck (if any doughts, lift the track off the ground), you could probably start it and let it idle with the hood down to build some underhood heat and maybe throw a blanket over the hood to speed up the thawing process. Check the HXs often to ensure you don't overheat it depending on the ambient temps. If you have any, throw some snow on the running boards.

The air box should have some drain holes in the bottom to allow any accumulated moisture to drain but if you have chunks of ice in there I'd pull it and dry it out in the house. I'd probably pull it anyhow to give everything a good look and avoid the need to thaw it out as described above.

... Finally - Check throttle cable freeplay and hook up the TORS if its still there.
