8100 rpms


New member
Feb 25, 2011
danby vermont
so had this 99 srx 700 for a few years had a hauck clutch kit pulled very strong but only to about 8100 rpms was not real sure this was best set up so
last year switched to heel clicker set up vforce 3 reeds with spacers cold air kit and transfer rods all from bender plus dyno port stingers went through power valves not to bad but some build up sycronized pulls real hard i mean streachs the arms good but still only to 8100 what am i missing?
oh 23 38 gears
:letitsnow :letitsnow :letitsnow :letitsnow :letitsnow :letitsnow
What clutching components are you using weights, helix, springs,etc.........have you tried wrapping your secondary more to see if your over shifting? Are power valves clean?
im not experienced with heel clickers but sounds like your trying to pull to much weight in you primary clutch
justin1620 said:
What clutching components are you using weights, helix, springs,etc.........have you tried wrapping your secondary more to see if your over shifting? Are power valves clean?
pv are clean and adjusted complete heel clicker set up from bender big red primary spring bender helix and yellow secondary spring at c 6
not sure what is the yellow secondary ..but for sure u got to mutch tip weight or middle all depend your set up
ok just found my set up sheet from bender says heel clicker weights 4.8 on heel 5.5 center 1 on tip with red heel clicker spring 9870c helix yelow spring at 80 degrees 8200 - 8300 shift rpm
