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my 2000 srx is for some strage reason slipping belts now tryed 3 different 8dn belts one brand new one and 2 semi used ones in good condition just burning the belt i have a heavy hitter setup 46gram base weight with 3.3 grams in heel .9grams in middle hole and 6.6 grams in tip i think its like 54 grams total almost 55 my scale dont way to the point. and im pretty sure my belt deflection is set right.
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Spring In Secondary Is Toast. 3:16 (yammie Tony)
My belt slips too. All stock clutching with new springs, bushings, belt, buttons, etc. Has me bamboozled and kafuffled.
New member
huh thats weird because it was fine until i put a new belt on it and the secondary is set a 70deg i think 3-3 with red spring that is still got lots of tension but i got another red spring from my vmax i can try thanx yammigod
New member
whats the tach doing on a long pull from starts ti finish.how do you know its slipping black on clutches or over rev at first.if black on clutches were on the clutch?
New member
when you first punch it slips iff you keep it there it start to go and iff you drive at 6500 t0 7000 it stops slipping

got to check your center to center and offset and all will be good.
did you wash the new belt?
New member
cant for the life of me figure this out i tried everything put a new secondary spring in took some weight out of the clutch it was only hittting 8000rpm hard to tell with belt slippin i guess belt seems to be sitting in secondary fine do not know whats wrong
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WHERE YA SET SECONDARY AT 3:16 (yammie tony)
New member
iam confused is it over reving when you hit it what exactly is it doing on tach from 5 mph to 100 mph not sure how you know its slipping maybe iam having a brain fart
New member
the secondary is set at 3-3 as soon as you punch the gas it slips it not goin no were just slipping but iff i drive along at say 7000-7500 the belt will grab it rev really high while driving due to belt slip i would imagin it never did this till i put a newer belt on.
New member
so if you are going five mph and jam it wide open and hold it its over reving then coming back down i dont mean to be dum but iam not understanding what your saying.when you are going slow and hit it wide open and hold it what is the tach doing.i have my2005 rx1 when you hit it it starts at 10200 rpm anfd at 100 mph its pulling. 10400 rpm from what your saying when you hit it going slow and hold it its reving over 8500 then dropping back to 8000 rpm
sounds like sutton binding how does the bushing in the helix look? buttons?
New member
i havent checked the helix or buttons yet but when you drive and punch it the belt is slippin but iff you keep going steady throttle and keep easing it to it its fine but iff you punch it it just sits and slips as iff a burnt clutch in a dirt bike just slippin at like 1/4 to 1/2 throttle im at like 6500 to 7000 rpms wich is high its as iff there is grease on the belt but everything is super clean the belt is good and the clutches are clean and lighly sanded.
New member
well guys ive went throught all the clutches everything is fine so i come to a possible conclusion that the motor is out of line wich means my primary is out of line causing the new belt to be to tight and slipping it was fine with the old belt due to being so streched.

you can adjust your secondary by removing or adding washers to the 3 bolts behind it.This will keep belt at right height.But id centre to centre is off..it will change things also.With the belt installed,you should be able to push the belt down about 1.25" between the 2 clutch's.
just an idea but maybe try some more weight in the heel for more clamping force on the belt, if not you something binding someplace in the driveline
PPS. inc
New member
Wrong belt. Used ones were used.....
t-rav said:well guys ive went throught all the clutches everything is fine so i come to a possible conclusion that the motor is out of line wich means my primary is out of line causing the new belt to be to tight and slipping it was fine with the old belt due to being so streched.
Are you sure u have lots of side preasure in the secondary, Having the belt too tite will make it grab more not slip, and it would surly heat up when running wot, and blow belt if it was misaligned. It really sounds like your secondary is not grabing, maybe spring or not enuff twist in it. unless i missed somthin here!