Cobra track noise?


New member
Nov 30, 2004
northern michigan
I'm considering replacing my high mileage 136" ripsaw with a cobra track, I ride about 50/50 trail and off trail.Overall I've been happy with the ripsaw, but hate all the noise as this track howls like crazy.Is this a ripsaw thing or do all tracks do this?
my late 90s kimpex race track does. its a 1.375 lug. my bud has a crossfire 600 which has one and i cant seem to tell if it does. but the track is soft and its lugs thin he already has a couple lugs tore off so i cant recommend the cobra but then again there isnt very many to chose from. Wait till the ripsaw 2 comes out or buy used off of the 2012 nytro rtx. if your not familiar with this then the ripsaw 2 is a new track that yamaha helped design with camoplast for 2012 which is supposed to be better than the original ripsaw in every way.
the cobra is a great track. with any taller lug track you will get some howling, it's just the taller lugs moving air in and out of your tunnel, can't rid of it. i switched to a cobra and had a ripsaw before. love the track. it is a softer durometer track but hooks on just about everything except glare ice. hard pack it's the same as the ripsaw but in powder the ripsaw trenches where as the cobra will actually bite in and move you forward
Good to hear, thanks for the feedback so far! Does it seems to have more or less side bite than the ripsaw? I seem to get conflicting information about this.
Ok, I'm alright with the same, but don't really want more side bite.This is a huge difference from the old style tracks which always seem to wag the tail at times.
