1" hack, rip, or carve??

which 1" track would you choose?

  • ripsaw

    Votes: 3 9.1%
  • carve

    Votes: 6 18.2%
  • hacksaw

    Votes: 24 72.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

andrew k

New member
Sep 18, 2011
new york
debating on either a 1" hacksaw, ripsaw, or carve for my next track they all seem like good candidates. i plan on studding and keeping my stock driver setup so want to stick with 1 inch tracks. anybody with past experience on which ones work? i made this a poll to get everybodys ideas. what track would you prefer?
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anybody else have 1 inch track ideas besides the ones i listed? just out of curiosity if i missed a track or two that would be a fine performer im all ears to hear suggestions regardless. my sled has the oem yamaha track on it now carbide studded to the hills but it 3k on it now and track is hammered. ive never actually bought a new track for any sled before. lol
I went to a Kimpex Traxtion 1" track..they look beefy and come pre-holed for 144 studs.

devinzz1 said:
camoplast energy. good and affordable.. also preholed
just took a look at them look agressive and they are very affordable, but it doesnt seem you can buy them fully clipped tho.
For durability an trails and hard pack ,, plus top speed get a hacksaw..........
lotta people really like the hacksaw track i take it. how does it do against the carve for some random occasional powder bursts across a field? im perfectly fine with medioker. im always riding pounded rough trails and powerlines around the area. icy at times too with lots of hilly terrain. by far not the real nicley groomed stuff you see up farther north.
andrew k said:
lotta people really like the hacksaw track i take it. how does it do against the carve for some random occasional powder bursts across a field? im perfectly fine with medioker. im always riding pounded rough trails and powerlines around the area. icy at times too with lots of hilly terrain. by far not the real nicley groomed stuff you see up farther north.

I had a 1 inch predator(same as carve) on my srx last year with 96 studs and this year a hacksaw with 144 studs. So far ive been riding on loose snow and and I would say its a little worse than the predator which is what I expected, but the few places of hard pack it hooks really good and does well through corners, and still corners well in soft stuff. Also my predator didn't have very good durability as virtually the top 1/8 to 1/4 inch of every lug was missing, and I never rode in low snow conditions. Ive only gone off trail a few times this year but it seems to do alright for a 1 inch track.
thanks for the good comparitive answer. i think ill try the hacksaw out. from what people are telling me they seem to be a decent all around trail track and rugged for the tough stuff. good enough for me. i mean ive gotten .75 tracks like on my old zrt. through a foot to foot and a half of un trailed snow no real probs just be careful where you stop lol. and with my yammi i took it through some good drifts with a beat and i mean beat oem track so with a new 1" track im gunna be suprised no matter what. but i figure if im gunna buy one new i wanna get a good one that will be durable. hacksaw seems to be the ticket. thanks for advice so far.
Anyone here with input on the ripsaw, always seemed really popular, I've also been wondering how they are against others, all I can compare them to is a shotgun, seemed to hook a little better but the shotgun seemed more durable on the outside edge.
im also with u, I have suprized myself the places I've gone with stock track on my old sx700, just about anything is a step up from that
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yeah. would be another good comparison. anybody have a 1 inch ripsaw and switch to a hacksaw? would love to hear an un biased report on how the two compare to eachother.
