converting 2001 srx to 136 max


New member
Feb 23, 2008
novi/walled lake mi
thinkin of converting my srx into a 136 srx mountain max. currently I own both a 97 mm600 and 01 700 srx being a lil heavy @ 260 pnds I have broke four w bars in the srx I believe due to weak shocks. but in the prosess I have bought several complete proaction skids one being a mm136 with 144 ext. I don't do much deep powder riding live on lake in southern mi so I have cut down the mm track and studded the middle I recently picked up a 136 1 inch track and my thoughts are to put this and the 136 skid under the srx matching up the mounting location of the mm and adding a tunnel ext. Only thing i notice is the mm tunnel coolers are longer will this effect cooling on the srx if i stay with the shorter coolers and will I have to raise or lengthen front shock. I do plan on studding the new 136. current track on srx is worn out so i figuered for price of tunnel extension and studs and some rivets ill have something a lil different plus ive never bottomed the stock mountain. thanks for any input
