Adding rear heat exchanger to 02 Viper

I would get a srx rear exchanger. You will need to take the seat off hold up the heat exchanger and mark all the holes drill them and rivet the exchanger to the tunnel. Should be pretty simple good luck.
I usually open the bleedER nut while filling untill antifreeze comes out then close it and fill the the full mark then wait a while and c if it goes down if it does then add more. If someone knows a better way they will chime in. Be sure to pour the antifreeze slowly.
when i did it. i jacked the rear up and kept it tipped up until i was finished installing the exchanger. then i filled the exchanger through the bleeder hole with a transfer pump. hose and cone shaped plastic end. then did the bleeding procedure. it bled out the rest quick like. which wasnt much. worked for me.
