New member
Hi guys I just bought a set of flex skis for my viper,can anybody tell me what carbides they use for agressive driving and what Dolly Wheels you use for the dual keel?
Thanks steve
Thanks steve
New member
Hey, I just bought a set also, never thought about the dolly wheels, I have a normal set, dam, im not sure about carbides but I have a question for you, I see small ice scratcher/deflectors on the new ski's advertized bolted on the rear inner carbide nuts and mine never came with any, did yours? is it an option?
below is a pic with the new deflector>
below is a pic with the new deflector>

New member
New member
Thanks, I found them, and ordered them, they were not listed in the new book, but they since made an addition on the website, right on.
Cheap fix for the dollies, I just cut a couple of 2x4s and bolted them to the dolly. The 2x4 fits nicely between the runners.
Swiss Sledder
New member
You didn't mention if your track was studded, which impacts your carbide length. My track is studded with 96 down the center for safety. I run 4" carbides on the outside and 6" carbides on the inside. The longer carbine on the inside helps with turning on the Simmons.