Hell of morning

jaws jr

New member
Jan 26, 2009
lead, south dakota
So i've been on here searching a lot lately. researched track removal last nite and ran into a thread where the guy bought a grenade, blew it up in the first 30 miles, had no money to fix...... long story short( 48 pages) of how a handful on here came together to help him rebuild the sled, great reading and testiment to the kind of people on here. Anyways while looking for a sled on craiglist for my dad ( 01 370 z is to small for him) i ran upon an ad guy looking for a track for 93 lynx. I've got an early 90,s artic track laying here in the shop ( for years), and after reading that article, i called the guy and told him he can stop by and check it out, price was free if it was the right one. So he stops this morning measures the track and it's to big, he sees my ski doo and 98 srx being worked on and asks how i like the yamaha, so i brought him into the back stall where my artic and 99 srx sit and said i love em. Asks me if i wanna buy his? 98srx 700 with 1050 miles, its to fast for his kids( 10 and 12) says he paid 2800$ but doesn't know what he wants for it, I showed him pics of my dads 370z, we just traded sleds!! Damn what a morning, goes to show all you have to do is try to do the right thing and good things can happen!! Thanks for all your guys help on here, and keep doing what you do to make this site so great. Jon
That's great man! Right place at the right time huh? That will certainly keep your dad's attention. Congrads... :letitsnow (please,...just a little??)
I'm still looking for something with electic start and reverse for him, i'll either buy it and trade him or trade the srx in a a 4 stroker for him, Either way we'll get him into a yamaha. I live in t.r.f (home of artic cat) he lives buy roseau ( home of polaris) , just love to piss off the locals with "our" yammies!
1,000 miles in 14 years. Sled has been sitting around too much. I would go over all your seals.
He said it burnt down two years ago when he bought, rebuilt it, and only rides it a couple times a year because its too much for the kids, wants to downsize to eliminate temptions i guess.
i know the on the zrt is a zr but with a triple engine so zr "T" triple. thats the only one i know lol.
It was all marketing,people were drawn to sleds with a z and x in the name, mxz,zr,zrt,sx,srx,xc xcr, etc etc, would you buy a sled called abc 700?
