2-Strokers, Here is a post that is going on, on the 4-stroke side, and a video that RIGIDONE did. I think the video is self expanatory in regards to a fuel additive manufactured by a company called B3C. It's 19 minutes long and in my opinion worth the watch. Who knows may save a motor or two. FYI, this guy lives in central NY, and does not appear to be directly affiliated w/ that company, but he says that he has used numerous other "products", and this one appears to be the "real deal". Judge for yourself. I know after watching it, my bottle of Startron won't be used in my sled any further.
ok guys here is the link for the vid i made.. the video would not upload onto youtube it was to big of a file.. so we have it up on some other site.. it takes a while to load so be patient..
i nominate this for a sticky!!!!!! since we are all looking for a fuel additive that works..
and no busting my chops on my vid making skills im deff no Spielberg..
2-Strokers, Here is a post that is going on, on the 4-stroke side, and a video that RIGIDONE did. I think the video is self expanatory in regards to a fuel additive manufactured by a company called B3C. It's 19 minutes long and in my opinion worth the watch. Who knows may save a motor or two. FYI, this guy lives in central NY, and does not appear to be directly affiliated w/ that company, but he says that he has used numerous other "products", and this one appears to be the "real deal". Judge for yourself. I know after watching it, my bottle of Startron won't be used in my sled any further.
ok guys here is the link for the vid i made.. the video would not upload onto youtube it was to big of a file.. so we have it up on some other site.. it takes a while to load so be patient..
i nominate this for a sticky!!!!!! since we are all looking for a fuel additive that works..
and no busting my chops on my vid making skills im deff no Spielberg..
very interesting
i would be curious as to what it looks like if you dump the additive. into pure water.
Cant seem to find a dealer or distributor in Ontario for it, definately interesting, wouldnt mind trying some
Can't find the MSDS but if I had to guess I'd say Jim Beam or another oak aged burbon just based on the color.
IOW - Adding alcohol to the samples will suspend the H2O and produce the same results. We used to call it Isopropyl.
I realize this is an internet video and isn't presented as a scientific study, but would it really take that much more time to find another 15ml speciman cup?
...or present facts about phase seperation.
IOW - Adding alcohol to the samples will suspend the H2O and produce the same results. We used to call it Isopropyl.
I realize this is an internet video and isn't presented as a scientific study, but would it really take that much more time to find another 15ml speciman cup?
...or present facts about phase seperation.
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New member
Interesting. I'm willing to try just about anything once. I know I've seen this stuff at Home Depot, maybe even Lowe's.
strange in the video he looked to be using their mechanic in a bottle product. they also sell a product called ethanol shield. i wonder if ethanol shield works the same?
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
Mechanic in a bottle....Should of bought some of that when the sxr burnt down last year!
Excellant Job on this!!!!!!

VIP Member
snomofo said:Can't find the MSDS but if I had to guess I'd say Jim Beam or another oak aged burbon just based on the color.
IOW - Adding alcohol to the samples will suspend the H2O and produce the same results. We used to call it Isopropyl.
I realize this is an internet video and isn't presented as a scientific study, but would it really take that much more time to find another 15ml speciman cup?
...or present facts about phase seperation.
Here it is.. its the trade secret! http://www.b3cfuel.com/documentation/msds-ethanol-shield-01-02-2012.pdf
VIP Member
Got a bottle from the local farm store, opened it up and it smells like windex?? Ammonia??
New member
Good vid!
What are the Canadian members using to combat the Ethanol problem>?
Premium fuel from Shell 
no flavoured water in that

no flavoured water in that
They had product at home depot here in IL
I always try to use Ultra 94 fuel but not always available on the trails
For the past 2 seasons I have been adding winter automotive fuel injector with isopropyl.....seems to work
For the past 2 seasons I have been adding winter automotive fuel injector with isopropyl.....seems to work
Interesting vid. I'll probably give it a try but one good thing here in MT is that the highest octane rated pump fuel is ethanol free. So I usually don't have this problem. I'll probably buy one of these and throw it in my cargo compartment just in case I get a dcs light.
They should have called it "snake oil" to draw attention to it! Cool stuff!!!
Also got mine from a local farm store. Going to try it in my generator first as it often sits long periods between use. Looks like it works better than other products that are out there.
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
That's the term I was thinking also as I scrolled down. And then I see you already beat me to the punch.yournytech said:They should have called it "snake oil" to draw attention to it! Cool stuff!!!