time to part out and upgrade


New member
Dec 24, 2009
This will be my last season on the ol srx. I lost a trailing arm on a recent ride and rather then put more money in her I think I'm going to part it out and upgrade. Any idea what one can make on a part out? How hard is it to move these parts?
What year and how many miles? Besides the trailing arm, is it a good running sled? Might be worth to replace arm and sell whole sled as is.
It's a 2000 and is in good shape otherwise. I estimate 2700 in parts. Is be lucky to get 2300 whole.
I was in the same position last spring and decided to part my mint 2000. It has worked out but is a considerable time suck and shipping is the challenge.

Seems there is a lot more people parting so the value of parts are down this year.

I was fortunate to have a number of buyers in the midwest for large/heavy parts and shipped via SpeeDee...you don't have that option. Next best was USPS Priority.. My point is look into shipping options before you make the final decision.

Your estimate of $2700 is low by $1000.00 based on my experience.

Good luck.
Trekker said:
I was in the same position last spring and decided to part my mint 2000. It has worked out but is a considerable time suck and shipping is the challenge.

Seems there is a lot more people parting so the value of parts are down this year.

I was fortunate to have a number of buyers in the midwest for large/heavy parts and shipped via SpeeDee...you don't have that option. Next best was USPS Priority.. My point is look into shipping options before you make the final decision.

Your estimate of $2700 is low by $1000.00 based on my experience.

Good luck.

My bad, thought you were from Canada....now see WI. Perfect for Speedee.
part out and upgrade huh? Had a apex and now a nytro xtx as my primary trail sleds. Nothing is cooler than the srx is what i found. Keep the srx and buy something that likes the bumps. The nytro and the wife would go before the srx around my house.
