Checking Clutch Offset Question


New member
Jan 14, 2011
When checking for 15mm offset, do you push the secondary all the way towards the chain case? Asking because there is suppose to be 1.5mm of freeplay from side to side. Also what is the tolerance on the 15mm (~ 1mm)?
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Yes should be pushed all the way to the frame.If you intend to ride Yamaha's for years to come,it is I think a good idea to purchase a c to c and off set tool.They are around $150 but good for the life of your sled.Comes in real handy in the fall when you prep your sled for the new season.It is quick to use and no guess work.Sure has helped me alot,lets me know if I have to adjust motor to line things up again..I use it on 3 Yami's here..saves a lot of time for us.
Push it in toward the engine like blue said. If your machine doesn't have an SRX torque limiter then you may want one of those also. It keeps the engine from moving around due to torque. It bolts right into a viper and you can get them from a yamaha shop however I read where they may be being discontinued. I would definitely go with the SRX dogbone type.
