Installing ES on 02 Viper


New member
Dec 27, 2010
I have a 2002 Viper. I bought a used Electric start kit, however it was from a 98 Vmax. The starter relay plug is a 3 prong triangular plug. I cannot find a matching plug on my wire harness. Is there a different plug I should be looking for? And then re-wire my relay wire? I found instructions in the tech section, however it doesn't specifically answer my question. Thanks.
up to 99 the plug was a white/female connector and starting in 2000 the plug was a black/male connector triangle shaped 3 wires. I think the Viper had the same plug in. Look for a connector that it the same as what you have on the electric start, just different color.
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There actually is a harness listed in the tech section for adapting the older style plug to the 300w plug for the solenoid. Im on my phone so I cannot link but look at the parts list.
shoot super1c a pm, Chris did it on I think all 3 of his vipers. He could probably do one with a blindfold on now. He's a great guy, he's helped me out a lot. Gil
The 98 will not be a simple plug and play, but will work just fine. You will have to hardwire your connections. Follow what i did in the working log under father and daughter viper project. I used a older e start for her viper. You will also have to extend the + lead to the battery. Here is also a link to write up i did. Let me know if ya need any help.
i also have done this on one of my vipers and if you can find a couple old wiring harness you can rob the correct conectors and make a wiring harness to plug the factory plug into the older starter relay. super simple, this way you can just unplug anything if you need to work on it or test something. as for the plug your looking for in your sled its with the group of wires next to the cdi and is a trianlger pleu and will have a cap on it. need any other help shoot me a pm
