I just got back from a ride today that really wasn't to bad. Trails were nice for what snow we have. But twice during my ride I let off the gas and went to hit it again and my TORS was kicking in. I did go on a ride a few weeks ago and thats the first time it has ever happened to me. So in the last two rides it has kicked in four times. I was wondering is my TORS bad or could one of my carbs have froze up after letting off? Both rides were in the the 15f range and my heated carbs are shut off. Thanks
New member
Bypass the TORS and see if it still acts up.
I was going to try that on the next ride.

have you changed your idle adjustment lately, or had the cable disconnected? if so you may need to adjust your cable slack
staggs65 said:have you changed your idle adjustment lately, or had the cable disconnected? if so you may need to adjust your cable slack
I put some mtn viper cables on two years ago. Had both cables set to spec. Its ran fine all year. Have 500+ miles on and then the last two times its started to do act up for a sec and then its fine. Have a feeling its time to replace the TORS.
New member
seems like the switch on carb. is a common issue. there is a rubber boot around bottom of switch u can peel it back around outside edge and spray some lube like wd40 it might help if it is sticking. u have 2 spray up some in middle
davidgboy said:seems like the switch on carb. is a common issue. there is a rubber boot around bottom of switch u can peel it back around outside edge and spray some lube like wd40 it might help if it is sticking. u have 2 spray up some in middle
I was told by one of my friends that it was the switch on the carb too. I will try to spray it and see what happens. Thanks
New member
I just had to replace mine on my viper as well. Always checked fine with a meter. Didn't notice but the rubber grommit was missing on mine when i stalled the new switch. 2200 km without a hicup so far.
Found the switch on the carb is bad. I unhooked it and plugged the harness into itself. Hasn't done it since then. Looks like i will have to replace that.
New member
Well unless you have some time before you're next ride you may want to wait until you have your carbs off again to change the switch. I found it to be a little bit of a P.I.T.A. to change
New member
SRXSRULE2 said:Well unless you have some time before you're next ride you may want to wait until you have your carbs off again to change the switch. I found it to be a little bit of a P.I.T.A. to change
yup- thread is left hand by the way. easy to drop the 2 tiny washers.
Thanks I didn't plan on replacing it til this upcoming fall. Thanks for the heads up guys.davidgboy said:yup- thread is left hand by the way. easy to drop the 2 tiny washers.