Clutch Noise


Lifetime VIP Member
Nov 13, 2010
Ok I took apart my clutch, figured out the weight to add to an over-revving mtn viper primary, then replaced the spring (since it was too long by the yamaha numbers) and installed the rivets. Ok noticing that the clutch was a little dirty I did the deed and threw it in the dishwasher... Re-installed it on the machine.

Everything went fine. No unusual noise, and the over-revving problem was gone. So success I thought on my first minor clutch job. Well, after a full day of powder riding, my friend and I get back to the truck and I start it up to put it on the trailer and it sounded "rattley" if that's even a word. Give it some flipper and it quiets right down. But the rattling did not sound good. It almost sounded like those weights were flopping around in there until hitting the flipper.

Any guesses as to what might cause this? I never touched the rollers, just the cover, flyweights, and the spring. It never rattled around like this before until I worked on it. I did notice that one of the weights had a slight washboard to it but it didn't seem that bad.

Any ideas?
did you torque down the cover bolts.I forgot to do mine once and the bolts started to undo themselves.Was lucky I caught it on time.If it is good then take clutch apart and investigate.You don't want something to explode and take the clutch out and other things.
Nice looking machine blue!

Yes I did put the washers on each side of the weights and I did use the torque wrench on the cover bolts. I agree, hopefully tomorrow I'll get to pull it and investigate. I definitely don't want it to blow up out there. I didn't use locktite on the cover bolts but I didn't see this in the book. It would be nice if it were that simple. I can only hope.
I know how it is.We are pretty trained with our sleds and we can pick up a new sound pretty quick while riding,as we know it wasn't there before.Turn the clutch by hand and see if that noise is there.Maybe the spring broke inside the primary..anyways open it up again and check it..good luck.Lets us know.
yes I does have electric start and a ring gear. I'll check that also when I pull it. Thanks.
Newbee said:
yes I does have electric

Ok I wish I could say I was drinking when I wrote mom would not be proud! ;):D

tedgoesfast, you nailed it! I took a real good look today looking to see if I might have screwed up when reassembling the clutch job I did. After looking it over I was able to wiggle the ring gear. I pulled the clutch and the ring is off now sitting on my bench. Unfortunately the screws that hold that thing on are like torqz or maybe a metric torqz. Either way I don't like them and I stripped two when trying to torque them back on. I think I'm going to replace all of them with allen heads. The book calls for locktite on those bolts. I doubt the prior owner did that but I know he had the clutch off at one point since he didn't have the lockwasher on under the main primary mounting bolt. Easy fix though.

Just glad it was that easy. I thought I might have jacked up the clutch by using the diswasher to clean it. Everyone thanks for all the help and suggestions. All of them good ones.
Newbee said:
Ok I wish I could say I was drinking when I wrote mom would not be proud! ;):D

tedgoesfast, you nailed it! I took a real good look today looking to see if I might have screwed up when reassembling the clutch job I did. After looking it over I was able to wiggle the ring gear. I pulled the clutch and the ring is off now sitting on my bench. Unfortunately the screws that hold that thing on are like torqz or maybe a metric torqz. Either way I don't like them and I stripped two when trying to torque them back on. I think I'm going to replace all of them with allen heads. The book calls for locktite on those bolts. I doubt the prior owner did that but I know he had the clutch off at one point since he didn't have the lockwasher on under the main primary mounting bolt. Easy fix though.

Just glad it was that easy. I thought I might have jacked up the clutch by using the diswasher to clean it. Everyone thanks for all the help and suggestions. All of them good ones.

Make sure you use green locktite and let it dry inside for 24hrs. Needs proper time to cure otherwise it will loosen up again. I think those are a #6torx if i remember right.
I think you're right about #6 Torx. I was going to replace them with allens but I think I'll just keep them the way they are. Those bolts are 8mm 1.00pitch bolts which is a fine thread and kind of hard to match up. I'm just going to buy a good torx set and keep it stock.

As for green locktite, I'm not familiar with green. Will blue work or is green a stronger type? I have red and blue. Red is the stronger of the two.
Green is the stronger of the three and what is recommended. You could probably use red but for the couple of buck at the hardware id go with green. Im not sure if its locktite or permetex that makes it but just ask for green. How many do ya need? I may have a few laying around i could send ya for nothing. Let me know.
Ok, normally I wouldn't say this but I'm going green!

I need two bolts. I was trying to torque them to 19 Nm with some really cheap-o torx bit and destroyed two of them. I appreciate your offer but it would probably be more expensive to ship them out here then for me to just hit the Yamaha shop. I just checked and it looks like around 3$ total for both.

Unrelated, the viper er and the viper mtn have the same exhaust FYI. I looked at it when I was pricing those bolts.
