Idler wheels 2002 Viper


New member
Jan 22, 2012
Riviere Beaudette, Quebec, Canada
Hello guys !

My son lost an Idler wheel on the rear axle . (the big ones)

We managed to get back home, 80 miles on two wheels...

My questions are :

Are the bearings replaceable or are those bearings molded in ? ? if so what'S the # ? 6204 ?

If not ...... can we replace the wheels , by SRX wheels ? That if i remember well, we could replace the bearings..... and were cheaper i think

The missing wheel is on the bolt side, not on the nut side ...or let's say Magneto side to make it clear .....
Should i remove the skid to replace the wheels ?

Thanks for the help .........

And , sorry about my poor english !!!!! still learning.......
Factory wheels do not have repalceable beaings. If there is no snap ring then the bearings are not replaceable. Best would be to remove the skid and go thru all the wheels. You can remove the grease seal on the bearings and clean them and regrease them. Your local Yamaha dealer has replacement wheels that do have replaceable bearings. While the skid is out and you are working on the rear large wheels I would do a 4th wheel kit if it doesn't have on already.
Nope it only has 3 wheels ..... thanks for the info....
So basically if i buy replacement wheels at the dealer, they will sell me unmolded bearing wheels ?
I know OE wheels are pricey, so that is why i figured it woud cost less to replace them by SRX wheels, wich are cheaper i have heard !
