Lake City Winter Blast 2012

New member
Dec 13, 2009
Lake City Winter Blast 2012
Hollow friends and neighbors I have been asked to post a little more detail on the 2012 Lake City Winter Blast snowmobile ice drag races to be held on February 17 & 18 2012 in Beautiful Lake City Michigan. To get to the event find Lake City Michigan on the map on M-66 “between Cadillac and Houghton Lake” then drive to 214 South Main Street Lake City Michigan 49651 you will arrive at a public boat launch turn into the boat launch and proceed on to the lake, “as of 3-13-2012 good hard 14” of ice was measured park your trailer unload your sleds and proceed to the staging area to buy your track time. Track time is $20 per sled which entitles you to make as many laps as you want racing who you want on a closed course of four lanes 35’ wide X 660’ long with 2000’ of shut down. After each run you will receive time slips showing what lane you were in, you’re RT “reaction time” and you’re ET “elapse time” and how you finished compared to the other three drivers. This is race your buddy grudge match style racing with NHRA timers from 10am till 3pm and all for the $20 per sled. You don’t have to have a true drag sled to race at this event trail sleds are welcome to. When it comes to trail sled the only thing we ask is if your studs are not in real good shape please don’t enter, the 660’ long burn out you will do won’t help the track to last the day. At 3 pm we will start shoot out class racing there will be only three or four shoot out classes to be determined on Saturday by participation with the largest being the STUD BOY KING OF THE TRAIL SHOOT OUT At 4:30 pm. this event is for the super go fast sleds and over the years we have found there are a lot of them out there, and this is where they come to play. The requirements for this event are as follows. #1 must be full body OEM snowmobile, #2 mush have trail skis “No short skis”, now as for displacement restrictions NONE, power adder restrictions NONE, skid frame restrictions NONE, traction products restriction NONE, This class cost $10 to enter with Stud Boy traction products providing $650 in gift certificates to the top four finalist in the final race 1st place $300 2nd place $200 3rd place $100 4th place $50. Lodging is filling up fast so call today Lake City Motel 231-839-4857 / Northcrest Motel 231-839-2075 / Lakeview Motel 231-839-4958 with this being a Big Racing event that has not had to cancel due to one thing or another this show should be huge so get there early and remember testing is open from 10am till 4pm on Friday February 17 and racing on Saturday February 18 from 10 am till 3pm if you need more info contact Nick 321-942-1005 / Chad 616-292-4565 / Jimmy 616-260-4382 and if you wondering about the weather the forecast is for sunny and 32 degrees god loves drag racers.
