secondary clutch shimming


New member
Dec 11, 2011
DUMB QUESTION but when you take your belt off for whatever reason should the sheaves touch, My sleds totally stock woth some picks but the guy i bought it from had the belt on backwards so handled that along with bender torque link. Running a stock 8 whatever they are just wonderring if i have it shimmed correctly. As stated above the secondary clutch

Vipersncbrs said:
DUMB QUESTION but when you take your belt off for whatever reason should the sheaves touch, My sleds totally stock woth some picks but the guy i bought it from had the belt on backwards so handled that along with bender torque link. Running a stock 8 whatever they are just wonderring if i have it shimmed correctly. As stated above the secondary clutch


No. Mine does not. Put the belt around it and let us know where the belt sits. Also what is the width of your belt?
Nope, mine doesn't either. Also, check the 3 bolts on the back of the secondary to make sure they are not mushroomed out.

Yea bran new stock yammy belt the sled only has 670. Miles. On it and the bolts are in good shape no mushrooming belt sits about. .5. Mils under sheave ill have to measure belt but assaid guy had it on backwards. So I'm sure burned. Some off but ill check that thanks guys
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secondary belt

OK guys finally had time to measure. ThatBelt and its reading 34.40That whas the
new belt the old one
was in the 33.something. range real shot so I'm gunna have to reference the manual and make sure I'm okay. There
where it sits depends on where the belt deflection is, you can adjust it by the amount of washers/shims are placed on the 3 little screws in back.

TIP: to set it up and measure it, put your belt on sled with parking break "on" now grasp the belt and pull it backwards(towards rear of sled) and spin it or rotate the belt and it will come up all the way in the secondary sheaves. Then you push down very gently with your finger in the middle of the belt between both clutches, the amount the belt moves is your belt deflection. Try and set it up so that the raised ribs are just barely above the secondary sheaves, if you get it up too much(too tight) it will sound like a piglet squeeling at idle! you can move the belt up and down by changing those little washers on the 3 bolts and like others have said, you want to check the ends of the bolts.
What type of belt delfection are you looking for and at what force (ft/lbs) do you need to push on belt to test for deflection?
