
There isn't a kit specifically made for the SRX but I put one from a V Max or mountain max,I forget,on mine it isn't that hard to put on just move a couple of things and you have reverse.If your sled has hyvo gears you will need a reverse kit from a sled with the same like the viper.
As far as electric start that too has been done by a few members just do a search and see what you can find.Plus chech the tech section and see if there may be a write up on it there.
BETHEVIPER just installed Reverse for me on my 99 SRX bout a month money i ever spent..too old to be twitchin that MoFo backwards at gas pumps and my back lawn.Only thing to look out for is Backing up in snow,the SRX sits so low, the snowFlap gets sucked in as its already touching the snow on bare ground practically.
If you run over your snowflap backing up,she'll snub it solid like brakes are locked on.Some guys have pulled the back end off there sleds by giving too much gas while doing this.
When I have to pull my 2000 SRX over 30 times to get it to cold start, it makes me wonder why I haven't put e-start on it yet.
Racing666 said:
When I have to pull my 2000 SRX over 30 times to get it to cold start, it makes me wonder why I haven't put e-start on it yet.
do the choke plunger Srx starts within 5 pulls now...but I would seriosly love to have electric start and reverse on my SRX.Thinking of long travelling it next summer.Things to do during the summer..
Racing666 said:
When I have to pull my 2000 SRX over 30 times to get it to cold start, it makes me wonder why I haven't put e-start on it yet.
You have something wrong, three pulls, four at most. I think your choke circuit is not correct.

I have a reverse and electric start
Give me a call, 2075387391,
I usually try to keep a little gas in the can and just dump about 1/4 cup into the airbox and it fires on the second pull.... If I forget, I just pull and pull and pull and pull and eventually it gets there lol
Racing666 said:
I usually try to keep a little gas in the can and just dump about 1/4 cup into the airbox and it fires on the second pull.... If I forget, I just pull and pull and pull and pull and eventually it gets there lol
I hope you keep a fire extinguisher handy!
there was another member just a while back did the same thing to start his sled.It was on a trailer with another sled next to it.He poured gas down the airbox.Next thing the sled was on fire.He panicked but managed to put it out.Had some plastic and wires burnt.He was lucky there I would say.Fire extinguisher better be close by.
If it catches on fire, I get a new one. Full coverage insurance. I'd probably feel better if it did catch on fire. Then I wouldn't have to look at it sitting outside on the grass. Yes. Grass. in the middle of February lol
bluemonster1 said:
do the choke plunger Srx starts within 5 pulls now...but I would seriosly love to have electric start and reverse on my SRX.Thinking of long travelling it next summer.Things to do during the summer..
What is the choke plunger mod you mentioned?Mine doesn't start that hard to begin with but if there's something I could do to make it better I will.
