New member
So last spring I noticed I could smell my belt burning just in the loose snow in the yard going slow. I put a new belt on this year but in the loose snow it rather burn the belt the spin the track. The primary seams to squeal to going slow in my driveway. It's a Yamaha belt. My track isn't too tight I can spin it an nothing is frozen all the wheels turn free. It's a 2001 srx 700 with 10000 Kms I did a few searches on here any ideas thanks

better do a centre to centre and off set check.Also after that is fine..fine tune the belt height in 2ndary ny either removing or adding .5 or 1 mm shims on the 3 bolts behind the 2ndary.Your deflection is off then.
New member
Thanks I will check that today an let you know the results I'm sure something is off then.
New member
I checked all my dimensions according to my manual on cd and I'm all in spec. But those 3 bolts are mushroomed or warn so I'm gona remove the washers an try that till I go get new ones
New member
alright I tried all that and it seems to work good my belt is sitting flush in the secondary though like flush on top not sure if thats normal. anyway did some runs Im rev 8500 if i hold it to long it goes to 8600 and engine bogs didnt do that last year. I did some high speed runs an my primary is very hot. any ideas thanks!

if you are in wet sugar like snow ..you may have to wrap your secondary a little more.More resistance on that snow.
99cobrasvt said:alright I tried all that and it seems to work good my belt is sitting flush in the secondary though like flush on top not sure if thats normal. anyway did some runs Im rev 8500 if i hold it to long it goes to 8600 and engine bogs didnt do that last year. I did some high speed runs an my primary is very hot. any ideas thanks!
Mine does the same thing. Has me baffled. I replaced my primary with all new parts to see if that cures it.
New member
well today i was on the groomed trail it was 0 c all on the trails and its burning hot the primary an now its cutting out at full throttle if i hold it for like 5 sec im confused

man us SRX guys have never ending issues don't we.I guess the sleds are starting to get to old..little gremlins everywhere...when I first picked up my SRX back in 07..the thing ran fast..I had to hang on for dear life always.I could even Cat walk the damn sled.Now years later with all the maintenance and additional work to keep it up to snuff.it just doesn't want to perform like it used to...I am stumped sometimes by this,and with all the $$$ I spent on it and never really seeing much in performance gains makes me think I should of just kept everything stock and ride.One thing I am thinking about for next season is to long travel my SRX since I have the shocks here to do that and leave well enough alone.Don't see myself riding as much anymore like I used to either...sledding has drained my $$$ over the years a little to much ...so just get the damn sleds running and take care of them..without dumping a ton of $$$ into them!!!
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New member
Well thanks I removed the shims on the 3 bolts on my secondary and now it hooks up like crazy... today I bough new bolts.. and the cutting out was just a bad plug I got excited for nothing thanks for the help!! its working good I was out today

lucky you and good riding...
It's time to rebuild those clutches!! Your problem is going to return if you don't do it soon.
New member
what do I need for parts to rebuild them