Mr. Sledhead
New member
I bought a viper off a friend who has not ran it in the last 2 seasons. I rode with him when it ran, so it did run fine when he put it away for the summer. But now it has no spark, and the engine compartment has some corrosion in it so im thinking some corroded connectors? Just wondering if anyone else has ran into this problem. Where should I start looking? I don't think it's a bad stator. I've looked at other post's, but they are not really related to my problem of sitting all year or two and not having spark. Any help would be great. I got the sled for next to nothing because it has a bent tunnel.
You are on the right track checking all connections for corrosion and wiring for rodent damage.
If the engine compartment is badly corroded I would suggest the stator and flywheel are as well and I suspect that is probably your problem.
Keep us posted.
If the engine compartment is badly corroded I would suggest the stator and flywheel are as well and I suspect that is probably your problem.
Keep us posted.
New member
Start by checking the wires under the handlebar pad. Maybe some corrosion on kill switch. If you had mice in there, they love to chew wires. Did you try new plugs?
flywheel magnets are rusted, take off recoil and clean them off with sandpaper, clean with brake clean and compressed air.
I agree with Mrviper but, i would also go through all of the connections while it is not running and you have it apart so that a connector problem doesn't potentially leave you along the side of the trail in the future. It is good insurance to get everything done while its down and you have the time.
Mr. Sledhead
New member
Thanks, I'm gonna check flywheel magnets and stator, and all connectors. It has new plugs. I checked it over for mouse damage and didn't see any. If I unplug the kill switch will that let it run or not?
Mr. Sledhead
New member
Do I need to pull the fly wheel to get to the magnets?

yes you do
Mr. Sledhead
New member
If you end up replacing your stator, which I don't think will happen, use OEM. Lots of other people here have tried others and they've had problems.
After cleaning up my flywheel, I lightly sprayed it with a clear-coat just to protect it from future moisture ......etc....
After cleaning up my flywheel, I lightly sprayed it with a clear-coat just to protect it from future moisture ......etc....
srx steve
New member
buy some electrical contact cleaner it cleans and coats conections
Mr. Sledhead
New member
Thanks for all the advise. I'm getting ready to go out and pull the flywheel. Should be fun with all the corrosion.
the magnets that will be rusted are on the outside, you dont have to pull the flywheel off, just the recoil. youll see there are 4 of them, thats what the pick up coil reads off of and they get rusted and pick up coil cant get signal off them.
Mr. Sledhead
New member
I already pulled the flywheel. I cleaned the magnets on the outside and still had no spark. The stator is covered with rust, is it okay to clean it up? I don't want to damage it, if it's not shot already.