oil line check valve ?


New member
Nov 1, 2011
winthrop maine
replaced oil lines from oil pump to fuel pump. manual says mark(arrow) on valve points to crankcase. did not look to see how it was facing before i took it off. i ran fuel line into container of premix to run until lines were primed. let it run awhile pulled on pump cable, no oil coming into lines. took off valve ran it got oil thru tee put valve back on per manual. nothing. turned valve around and oil started flowing out. primed rest of line. hooked up to fuel pump. hooked fuel line back to tank. ran sled for 10 min. or so. visible smoke in exhaust. oil in line right to fuel pump. what gives here? the arrow on check valve in this sled is facing opposite of what manual says and would not work facing the oil pump. is valve marked wrong? is manual in error?
arrow should face the fuel pump.Oil line of the oil pump is pushing toward the fuel pump to be mixed.Arrow should be pointing that way as it is the flow direction.Valve in there makes sure if you ever disconnected the line at the fuel pump that the oil won't run back down.Thus the fuel pump suction will start to pull the oil into it from the check valve and in...
Arrow on something usually indicates the direction of flow so if you put the check valve in so that it is pointing toward the fuel pump,away from the oil pump,then you should be in business.It's been so long since I've looked at mine that I can't tell you how mine is situated but as long as the oil will flow to the fuel pump it means the oil pump is working.
bluemonster1 said:
hey David..what do I know..I am ;):D ;):D ;):D right now..do I make sense,,lmao[/QUOTE

hey monsterman have one on me. lol i think there might be a check valve in line that goes to crankcase. so it wont lose its prime?
don't remember ever seeing one myself.Usually the oil will flow from the oil tank down to the pump and up to the bleed screw on top.Gravity feed !!OK I'll go have another drink...lol
david..a pic is like a miracle..Yep there is a check valve on that line as well.Look at the pic..the 2 valves(#22) have the arrows pointing in the direction of flow...

bluemonster1 said:
david..a pic is like a miracle..Yep there is a check valve on that line as well.Look at the pic..the 2 valves(#22) have the arrows pointing in the direction of flow...


the manual i have i did not see a pic like that. that clears that up.
