After another ride today and it was above 0..I only could hit 100 on speedo with stock clutching..8DN-20's,stock spring.4.5g in 5.5 g in tip,Red at 80 with 47 helix.My wot rpms were only 8100-8200 max...same clutching with 51/43 helix.green at 70 gave me 8600 rpm.So I added 3 engagement shims to increase rpms.Then I for the heck of it checked my ski toe out.I have been having an awful hard time steering the SRX.It is like I have to use brute force to take corners.Found out my toe out was 1 1/4".....WOW! How did that happen after I set all thisa up in late fall to about 1/4 toe out.Found the ski's were really wiggling in the saddles causing up to 1/2"movement.Shimmed the bushings in the spindles to help a bit.Seems like the ski bolts did not pull the saddle sides in tight to the spindle..So had to tighten them up really tight and ski's have no movement side to side now in the saddles.Re adjusted the toe out to basically 0 toe out as I suspect things will loosen up a tad after hitting a few good bumps..
Now if the ski's are pointing opposite each other that much..I can see way my steering would be difficult..one is fighting the other.Maybe this will get my speeds up I am hoping...crazy things happen when sledding and it never ends.
I even had to tighten up the new Traxtion track 2 more turns on the adjusters.This is the second time now,so track must be stretching out a bit,just don't want the studs hitting things.
Now if the ski's are pointing opposite each other that much..I can see way my steering would be difficult..one is fighting the other.Maybe this will get my speeds up I am hoping...crazy things happen when sledding and it never ends.
I even had to tighten up the new Traxtion track 2 more turns on the adjusters.This is the second time now,so track must be stretching out a bit,just don't want the studs hitting things.
The short answer is yes because you're scrubbing off speed by the front end binding trying to twist the chassis and "reverse snowplowing".

thought so..the steering never felt like that before..imagine trying to turn left and the right ski is trying to go the other way.I was taking corners on the River at 70 ish mph and really had to force the bars to turn..was thinking to myself a few times..WHAT IF the handle bars snapped off on me..I would roll one way and the sled shoot the other way..well I hope by re adjusting it all that it will be like day and night..
It really depends on how much toe out you have too... If it's so much that you're steering is hard, you definitely have issues lol I know all about toe/caster/camber from building/setting up racecars over the years.

ok then..thanks a lot.
Don't give up Blue, one of these years you'll break the sound barrier SONIC BOOM!!!!!
Or reach WARP speed and end up back in 2002! Where the SRX will be king again!
Man, I should visit you. I struggeled with low speed with my srx, but now it goes like the other srxs'. Re-align the skis and swap the clutches, seems like you have something binding there.
Hopefully Blue is out breaking the sound barrier with 8Bu-10's LOL!!!!!
Oh yeah if you can't get the 8BU-10's too work I'll be waiting to try them out on the dragstrip

Oh yeah if you can't get the 8BU-10's too work I'll be waiting to try them out on the dragstrip

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Andy.I have tested the 8u's and now setting up my 8dn's again.If the 8dn's are pulling ok..I may be selling the 8bu-10's.Conditions are just not good for testing here now.The 8dn-20's did pull a little better speeds by 3 mph..but waiting for a real cold day to compare one more time...will let you know..
hey bluemonster1, you ever try the stock 98 weights 8dn-00? been reading alot of your posting lately to be fun to read. the 8dn-00, don't hear much about those weights anymore. was wandering if there is issues with those since they were upgraded in the 2000 + srx's?
Active member
Andy, No. 8bu-00 For The Drag Strip. 8bu-10 For Long Haul. 3;16 (yammie Tony)
best top speed i did was with the 89a-10 till now ..................................then 8bu-10 those 8bu-10 have a better backshift than 89a-10 and then heel clicker

Andy ...modsrx is happy with themmm...

ttt back to the original topic..eh!!!