running premix better?


New member
Nov 1, 2011
winthrop maine
how do u really know how much oil is actually getting to top end. could be too little or too much(more likely) at times. u have 3 feeds off oil pump. 2 go to fuel pump thru a tee and check valve. 1 goes to crankcase thru a check valve. even if u figured out what your ratio was of gas/oil u still would not know how much was actually getting to cylinders. i am considering going premix. i would run line from check valve that goes to fuel pump into the oil reservoir. drill hole in very top that is slightly smaller than o.d. of line. plug port at fuel pump with piece of tubing plugged with metal round stock and clamp. this way u would be 100% sure that u are getting the perfect amount of oil(whatever that is) to your cylinders all the time. probaly have less issues with the powervalves gumming up. u could run synthetic at fairly lean ratios and know that the more gas the more oil in a perfectly consistent fashion. think of the delay when u get into the throttle, of when the oil enters fuel pump and when it actually gets into cylinders. i know this automatic system actually works quite well but it is there for convenience not ultimate performance. i think it over does it on the oil at times. this is not desireable like it may seem. this way u could actually run the cheaper oil in your reservoir and would be fine for the feed to crankcase. could run it on rich side if u wanted. have a few pint sized,clear,calibrated,sealable containers filled with syn. oil in storage on sled. might be worth the slight inconvenience

lol, this another one of those trying to re-engineer a system that doesnt need it again. plenty of high mileage yamaha tripples out there to prove their oiling system. on a race sled sure its worth a little power and consistency when every bit counts but on a trail sled, no reason to re-invent the wheel. my opinion
"think of delay when u get into throttle, of when oil enters fuel pump" meant to say "when more oil enters fuel pump" just seems not to be that exact.
Sounds great in theory......Let us know how its working for you. I feel inclined to point out that the cheap stuff your feeding the cases will get sucked up into the combustion chamber, combusted and out to the valves to goo them up. I would recomend using same oil you have ben injecting for this instead. Still could pre-mix how ever you wanted.
but kinda makes you think anyways how much oil is actually mixing with the gas.If the volume is the same thru all the lines..then maybe he has a point.Oil is split up going to each destination...hmmm!
Devilin AblueDress! said:
Sounds great in theory......Let us know how its working for you. I feel inclined to point out that the cheap stuff your feeding the cases will get sucked up into the combustion chamber, combusted and out to the valves to goo them up. I would recomend using same oil you have ben injecting for this instead. Still could pre-mix how ever you wanted.
ya wondered about that. seems like that would make it more important to know how much exactly is going into the gas. by cheaper i meant yamalube
got a vmax-4 with 33,000 km's oil is mixed in fuel pumps, been that way since day one. that seems reliable to me.
Rustman said:
got a vmax-4 with 33,000 km's oil is mixed in fuel pumps, been that way since day one. that seems reliable to me.

do u have powervalves? not suggesting that premix would be a cure all though.
Its better to keep it injected. What are you gonna do with todays fuel when its mixed already in the tank and phase separation takes effect separating the oil from fuel. Straight gas stores alot longer.
You could be right on that one, I'll let you know when they make my dream sled. A vmax4-1000 with PV's.

davidgboy said:
from what i understand that sled is probaly safer without them. lol
motorhead327 said:
Its better to keep it injected. What are you gonna do with todays fuel when its mixed already in the tank and phase separation takes effect separating the oil from fuel. Straight gas stores alot longer.

good point. you talked me out of it. u still do have the mixed gas in the carbs, lines and pump when it sits, but no sense including gas in tank. damn i wanted to see what would happen with the power valves.
Yamaha pioneered this system, and their oil injection systems have always been reliable. Id say if your not having issues leave it alone. My 1997 vmax 600 still uses the stock oil injection system and runs perfect everytime. Id just check your plugs for correct coloring, Ive seen alot more sleds blow up from having their oil injection systems blocked, than ones that dont.
