New member
Hi guys,
I was out on the trails here in northern ontario, beautiful day and my sled was missing, it did twice, and kept running, we stopped for a break and go to start the sled no pull cord, i figure my knee caught it handle and forced the dog out and caught the fly wheel, so the stator might be damaged or since the markings on the fly wheel are shaved down due to the metal on metal caused the timing to be off, anyways this is the damage,
I have a replacement fly wheel and stator, so hopefully its one of those, any ideas ? i need a puller to get the flywheel off ?
I was out on the trails here in northern ontario, beautiful day and my sled was missing, it did twice, and kept running, we stopped for a break and go to start the sled no pull cord, i figure my knee caught it handle and forced the dog out and caught the fly wheel, so the stator might be damaged or since the markings on the fly wheel are shaved down due to the metal on metal caused the timing to be off, anyways this is the damage,
I have a replacement fly wheel and stator, so hopefully its one of those, any ideas ? i need a puller to get the flywheel off ?
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The engine missing at the start of your video sounds like the TORS (throttle over ride system) is activated. The TORS consists of a switch on the carbs and a switch in the throttle block on the handlebar. It's a safety feature on all these sleds that limits the rpm of the engine in the event of carbs or throttle cable sticking, and certain instances of crashes (bent handlebars that affect the throttle system).
Yours may be out of adjustment, thus causing the miss while in your garage. There's a bunch of info on this site on the TORS system, including many recent posts in the last month or so, doing a search will bring you all kinds of info to help troubleshoot and adjust the system.
As for the recoil, stator, etc, I'd definately remove, clean, and inspect everything in that area, and get the loose metal particles out. Yes you will need a puller to remove the flywheel. The stator can be tested if it looks ok visually, again a search here will provide good info. Do you have a service manual, also a good document to have? If you need other replacement parts, there are usually quite a few posts in the classifieds for SRX parts.
Yours may be out of adjustment, thus causing the miss while in your garage. There's a bunch of info on this site on the TORS system, including many recent posts in the last month or so, doing a search will bring you all kinds of info to help troubleshoot and adjust the system.
As for the recoil, stator, etc, I'd definately remove, clean, and inspect everything in that area, and get the loose metal particles out. Yes you will need a puller to remove the flywheel. The stator can be tested if it looks ok visually, again a search here will provide good info. Do you have a service manual, also a good document to have? If you need other replacement parts, there are usually quite a few posts in the classifieds for SRX parts.
New member
okayy thanks so much !, it does sound like a rev limiter, thats why i coudnt understand why it was only at higher revs,
could having the kill switch un pluged cause that ? i had unpluged it on the trail because there was no spark when the metal from the recoil was between the flywheel and all that,
im curious i want to go fire it up with the kill switch plugged in, its probibly that ! damn it and i towed it all that way
could having the kill switch un pluged cause that ? i had unpluged it on the trail because there was no spark when the metal from the recoil was between the flywheel and all that,
im curious i want to go fire it up with the kill switch plugged in, its probibly that ! damn it and i towed it all that way
I've never had the kill switch unplugged, somebody else here may know how that affects TORS, or like you say plug it back in and git 'er fired up.
Not sure what you mean about towed all that way, if you had metal junk mixed in with the flywheel, pickup, and stator, it's probably best that you didn't run it anymore until it could be cleaned out.
Not sure what you mean about towed all that way, if you had metal junk mixed in with the flywheel, pickup, and stator, it's probably best that you didn't run it anymore until it could be cleaned out.
New member
Yea good call,
i mean towed all that way as in, had to tow the sled about 50 k down the trail till i was able to come get it with the trailer,
Im not sure but im thinking theres a sensor at the throttle, like a tps, (throtle position sensor) and thats how you test it by holding it back and whatever
i mean towed all that way as in, had to tow the sled about 50 k down the trail till i was able to come get it with the trailer,
Im not sure but im thinking theres a sensor at the throttle, like a tps, (throtle position sensor) and thats how you test it by holding it back and whatever
New member
Yea like i said when the sled wouldnt start, i ruled out the kill switch, but i was like whats the odds the kill switch failed also, and the stator blah blah, and never plugged the kill swtich back in, well i have my clymer repair manual right here and guess what, " the tors system monitors the throttle and carborator lever postion using microswtiches. One at the throttle lever and one at the carborator "
my answer right there !
thanks alot and hope this helps other people, il fire it up tomrrow and see !
my answer right there !
thanks alot and hope this helps other people, il fire it up tomrrow and see !
Once you get the sled running without TORS activating, you can test the system at the throttle lever, see the following thread for more info on TORS and the test:
ln your video, I can't tell if the throttle lever pivot is sliding like it is supposed to, yours almost looks like it may not be sliding all the time, but it's hard to tell. The throttle pivot should be able to easily slide back and forth about 1/4" or so, with no binding.
Also, in your video at about 1:12 it looks like your gauge lights flash off/on. Have you noticed this before? You may have more going on than TORS, especially if you find you still have a miss in the engine, even if occasional. Wire harness rub thru is common, especially under the engine. You can do a search here as well and find out all kinds of info about it if you run into further electrical issues.
ln your video, I can't tell if the throttle lever pivot is sliding like it is supposed to, yours almost looks like it may not be sliding all the time, but it's hard to tell. The throttle pivot should be able to easily slide back and forth about 1/4" or so, with no binding.
Also, in your video at about 1:12 it looks like your gauge lights flash off/on. Have you noticed this before? You may have more going on than TORS, especially if you find you still have a miss in the engine, even if occasional. Wire harness rub thru is common, especially under the engine. You can do a search here as well and find out all kinds of info about it if you run into further electrical issues.
New member
Ya i searched it and found thoes threads,
your right about the throttle not looking like it slides, i noticed that when i bought it, thought it was wierd is didnt slide like other sleds, but said its probibly factory, but it ran fine, at 1:12 your right it flickered, I read somewhere that a warning light or something is supposed to flash, but who knows could be on a different model, but right at that second it sounds like the tors kicks in
your right about the throttle not looking like it slides, i noticed that when i bought it, thought it was wierd is didnt slide like other sleds, but said its probibly factory, but it ran fine, at 1:12 your right it flickered, I read somewhere that a warning light or something is supposed to flash, but who knows could be on a different model, but right at that second it sounds like the tors kicks in
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I also noticed your lights are flickering when you give it throttle. Besides the TORS not functioning correctly, you may have a rub through somewhere with the wires.

TORS is working..At 3000 rpm's it it doing it's job correctly.Slacken the throttle cable to is to tight.
New member
bypass tors and see what it does
New member
So I plugged the kill switch back in, and ran perfect, the tors works and the throttle does move the 1/4 inch side to side, now just to find a recoil, no luck so far, might have to ebay it, and for the time being pull cord and the primary will have to do !
thanks !
thanks !
Active member
There is guys on this site that would have a recoil in sudbury if not drive down to orrilla.
New member
there is a guy in sudbury ? that would be great, whats his username ?