86-8700 rpms ok for 2001 srx 700?


VIP Member
Oct 23, 2008
southern maine
Made some passes in a groomed fiel, 1400 feet or so. Hit 113mph on the cluster and 106 on Gps before I ran out of field. I noticed my rpm was 86-8700 at wot. Is the rpms ok? Sled was pulling like a mother! To my knowledge the clutch is stock along with the rest of the sled
Bring the RPM's down a few.. If you need to, Hauck sells the 5.5 and 5.9 nut and bolt for the tips if you already have the largest 4.5 installed already.

What angle helix you running and who's is it?
simple fix and cheap..Add a 1 gram washer along with the 4.5 g rivet in tip and that should be it..The 1mm washers that are used to adjust the secondary on the backside will do the trick.I have like a dozen of them in case I need them for this.
If it aint broke...don't fix it!
Try a new belt and see what you get for RPMs. 106 in that distance is a good speed for a stock daily rider.


sideshowBob said:
If it aint broke...don't fix it!
Try a new belt and see what you get for RPMs. 106 in that distance is a good speed for a stock daily rider.

yup- being slightly above the peak of the powerband(~8500) does not necessarily require altering. might have been very low resistance involved. if belt is worn slightly that may "gear it down" a little depending on where belt was actually positioned on the sheaves. if u can pull those r.p.m. with clutches pretty much at max ratio, u have a strong runner with a nice peak in your powerband.
Tony ..if stock is RED at 80 wrap,backing off to 70 wrap should lower rpm's..but won't the belt slip more in the deeper snow where there is more resistance.
bluemonster1 said:
Tony ..if stock is RED at 80 wrap,backing off to 70 wrap should lower rpm's..but won't the belt slip more in the deeper snow where there is more resistance.

have not changed my name, but that would seem to be so. u would be "asking the engine" to do more work per stroke. still might be o.k. if r.p.m. is still in the sweet spot and belt and clutches are in top shape.
