porting expectations


VIP Lifetime Member
May 5, 2003
St George,New Brunswick,Canada
OK I've been throwing around the idea of porting the ole SRX to give it a little more punch but I'd like some feedback from those that have done this.Truthfully what can one expect from a ported 98 SRX 700 engine?What kind of hp gains would there be?What about fuel mileage as I would expect that mains would have to be changed?
Would I be in the same area if I just put 00-02 cylinders and heads on my bottom end?
I'm just fishing for ideas here and good or bad experiences.
fourbarrel said:
OK I've been throwing around the idea of porting the ole SRX to give it a little more punch but I'd like some feedback from those that have done this.Truthfully what can one expect from a ported 98 SRX 700 engine?What kind of hp gains would there be?What about fuel mileage as I would expect that mains would have to be changed?
Would I be in the same area if I just put 00-02 cylinders and heads on my bottom end?
I'm just fishing for ideas here and good or bad experiences.

Theres a kazillion threads on this , check out the search feature, youll have plenty to read.

by just putting on a 2000-02 topend you wont gain much other then slight bit of mid range,mainly just from the increased compression ratio of the newer heads, the porting is so close its not noticeable compared to your 98 cylinders.

if the trail porting is done right, youll have no loss of reliability and fuel mileage will be close to stock if the clutching is improved along with engine upgrades, srx never has too much problem in the gas mpg area even ported.

your doing the right thing, asking questions, ;)! get information from people who actually have and are using the services of whoever you have do it, as you want to know what your getting BEFORE you pay for a job and have a non performing engine.
the only real problem with porting is if you have a burndown, as i did, you have to get another cyl re ported to match. When this happened to me, I sent a cyl. to MrViper on monday, he ported it & sent it back. had it running by friday. It was a stressful week, but he really helped me out by doing that, as he is usually 3 weeks out. Thanks again Don. Now I have a spare on the shelf.
Why didnt you just get the cylinder repaired, renicked? Ive had many done and the seem to come back wit the same port heights.
