towing set up


Sep 15, 2009
Jefferson, WI
lright guys I recently acquired a 2000 ford explorer 4x4 with the 4 liter question is Im looking to purchase a two place trailer to tow my srx. The explorer has a place for a ball to be put in the bumper for towing, or should i have a receiver hitch put on what do you guys recommend? thanks, ryan :letitsnow
Do yourself a favor and opt for the reciever hitch. Must stronger, better mounting, plus the availability of differant height hitch inserts. In the summer months, if you need more cargo room, you can buy a hitch basket. This is a basket which mounts into the hitch. I remember about 15 years ago, we were living in Colorado driving a Ford Bronco. Went to Denver to look at washer and dryers. Mounted both onto a hitch basket and drove back into the mountains.
Anyway for towing, buy a quality 2" reciever, Curt or Reese are generally considered the best. Al
thankx alswag this Is the answer i was looking for,I was kinda leaning toward a receiver hitch and your input helps. where would be a good place to look for one which website? Im gonna do some searching on this. Thanks
I would agree with opting for the frame mounted receiver hitch. Much more solid of a mount than just the bumper.

I noticed you live in Wisconsin, heart of Fleet Farm. That'd be one place to swing in to and check. I want to think they carry the Reese brand hitches. I have only installed one on a friends vehicle but it was pretty much plug and play....the receivers use existing frame holes for the mounts.

I have heard U haul places you can also get hitches.....probably be able to order one in at most of your auto parts store also.

I guess Fleet Farm would be my first stop...
yep gotta love the fleet farm! but ya i was trying to see what brand people recomended and alot of people suggest reese so thanks for the input. i think I'll be stopping be fleet farm this weelend an go from there. ;)!
Good Luck at Fleet! Resist the temptation....never seems to fail I go into that store for 1 item and leave with a cart full.....

BTW....draw-tite was another good brand that came to mind after the fact.
I hear ya around xmas I significantly added to my tool collection,when I go there its a kid in a candy store :o Drawtight huh I will add that one to the list as well!
cool thanks for the link couple of bucks, i almost forgot about that site, thought they were closed. So do alot of you guys drive suv's or have trucks an besides reese or draw-tight do you guys have any other hitches in mind that are around $100 or so, or would most of you recomend these two as a better choice?
You may want to look at your local wrecking yards too, the last used hitch that I bought at a pull it yourself yard was about $20.
ya thats a good idea suva57 I have a few of those yards around the area that I will chech out, also will be looking into those other brands. Also has any of you guys had a ford explorer with the v6 how do they tow with a two place open trailer, Im sure i wont be loving the low gas mileage while towing with these gas prices but oh well! Any other things to look out for?
on secondary roads, do not pull in overdrive as the tranny heats up too much. on the interstate you should be fine. if you have a tow/haul mode i would suggest using it when towing a loaded trailer.
Well I now have plenty of info to go over, as for towing the explorer is a 2001 4x4 withe the 4.0 v6 and has around 122k. For now once I get a two place trailer I will be towing just my srx until I get another sled for the girlfriend to drive an seeing how that isnt alot of weight to pull im thinking its gonna pull it ok and just a little leary how the transmission is gonna hold up.
