I bought all new clutch parts for my primary, but the part#'s are different. I have a 8ca moveable sheave, a 8bu spider and a 8bu fixed sheave. The only difference I can see with the 8bu spider and the stock 8ca spider is 8mm roller holes for the pins versus 9mm so I can drill them bigger. On the fix sheave, there are more differences. 8bu only has 3 holes in the back to tighten it up on the spider, 8ca has the 3 holes plus 6 threaded screw holes. Also the 8bu has a smaller beveled area where the stopper goes (4mm vs. 6 mm on the 8ca). The structure of the back of the sheave also seems thinner than stock and lighter.
Will it be okay?
Will it be okay?
Anybody? Sorry I will not ask hard clutch questions again.
The extra bolt holes on the fixed sheave are for a ring gear on an e-start model shouldn't effect anything there. really wish I could help you more
somebody else got some input ???

Good info on the extra holes. My primary concern is the thickness of the sheave vs. the stock 8ca. The ribs on the back of the 8bu are not flush with the rest of the back of the sheave. They are indented a few mm's. I am worried that it will not be as strong as 8ca and could implode. Other than that, they look the same shape.
rx1 fix sheave look to be alots better vs the srx
modsrx said:rx1 fix sheave look to be alots better vs the srx
The one on the left? Why does it look better? It is new.
Sorry. My bad. It's a 8BV. 96 Vmax 4 uses this fixed sheave and the rest of the clutch parts I bought.
Interesting read here from Yammiegod3:16
Interesting read here from Yammiegod3:16
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mean if u change your fix sheave for a new one the one from rx1 are alots stronger vs srx
modsrx said:mean if u change your fix sheave for a new one the one from rx1 are alots stronger vs srx
Yes but I bought a brand new (still in original OEM package) complete clutch (minus cover and weights, etc.) for $150 bucks from a 96 VMAX4.