04 Viper problem


New member
Oct 26, 2011
I just got back from a trip and i am having problems with my viper, first of all im having problems at idle, i set the idle at about 1600 rpm but if my sled sits and idles for more than 30 seconds it will rev up to about 3500 and when im riding and come to a stop it sometimes takes a while for it to idle down. But this isnt my biggest problem i had on the trip. I put on 800kms in 2 days and this same problem happened twice, the sled would be running perfectly fine and i was going down the trail at about 80km/h and all of a sudden i would lose all power. the first time it happened i thought i blew the motor so i hit the kill switch and stopped and took all the plugs out and everything looked fine so i pulled it over and it fired right up. the second time it happened i let it come to a stop and it was still running but when i hit the throttle it would bog down and not go anywhere for about 10 seconds and then take off. after that it ran perfectly fine. any ideas whats wrong?

Sounds like a problem with your TORS when you are riding. As for your idle hang, do a search and you will find out how to fix it. Take carbs apart and clean all circuits including pilot jets, adjust throttle cable, check for air leak at boots, crank seaks, adjust fuel screws, sync carbs, turn idle down, etc.
For your idle hang problem set the fuel screws at two full turns out. Vipers seem to like that best.
As for your other problem it could be TORS acting up, DCS kicking in for some reason, poor fuel or electrical wiring problem.
Check that the throttle cable is not caught on/hooked to the bolt heads on the handlebar riser, had that on my old srx 600 and it would sometimes act up when turning to the left.
ok thanks, next time i go home im going to clean my carbs and i will try bypassing the tors. just a question what should i set my pilot and main jets at? ive never done the carbs myself before.
It depends on your altitude and the temps that you most often expect to encounter while riding. If you're near sea level (0-300ft) and @ 20 degrees F, you will want something close to:

MJ: 156.3
PJ: 45 (this may have changed to 45.7 due to a bulletin) but my book shows 45
JN: 3.5
PS: 1 7/8

I would not keep your TORS system over-ridden. It's there for a safety reason. Over-ride to trouble shoot: Ok but then fix the problem and put TORS back on line.
Newbee said:
It depends on your altitude and the temps that you most often expect to encounter while riding. If you're near sea level (0-300ft) and @ 20 degrees F, you will want something close to:

MJ: 156.3
PJ: 45 (this may have changed to 45.7 due to a bulletin) but my book shows 45
JN: 3.5
PS: 1 7/8

I would not keep your TORS system over-ridden. It's there for a safety reason. Over-ride to trouble shoot: Ok but then fix the problem and put TORS back on line.

not trying to be picky, but i think u meant 47.5 referring to the bulletin. pointed it out for people unfamiliar with the jet numbers.
