New member
Hello all thanks for looking..
I think my stator is letting go i searched for the symtomes but didnt find much so i will ask for some clarity on my problem.
When i ride at night for example my lights are really dime and if i shut off my hand warmers and thumb warmer my light goes down and kinda looks yellowish and if i turn em all its all brivht and whiye and same goes if i plug my heated visor the lights will dime n go yellow lol im thinking im starting to lose my stator could it be?
oh and when i ride i press the brakes and my digital display just dies everything shits off but only when i have my warmers on.. when i turn warmers off and press the vrakes its good tho lol
complicated i suck at explaining. but thanks for ready everybody
sled is a 2003 sx viper 700.
Thanks all.
I think my stator is letting go i searched for the symtomes but didnt find much so i will ask for some clarity on my problem.
When i ride at night for example my lights are really dime and if i shut off my hand warmers and thumb warmer my light goes down and kinda looks yellowish and if i turn em all its all brivht and whiye and same goes if i plug my heated visor the lights will dime n go yellow lol im thinking im starting to lose my stator could it be?
oh and when i ride i press the brakes and my digital display just dies everything shits off but only when i have my warmers on.. when i turn warmers off and press the vrakes its good tho lol
complicated i suck at explaining. but thanks for ready everybody
sled is a 2003 sx viper 700.
Thanks all.
New member
I have a working stator from an 01 Srx that I believe may be the same to sell.
Millinocket Rocket
New member
Sounds like a wire rub through, and grounding out.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
Sounds like a rub threw or mouse chew as far as brake lights/cable movement causing problems with warmers. They other problems sound backwards for a bad stator. With everything off lights should be brightest not dimest. Could all be one problem. I would first by unpluging tail light harness. If it continues to interfere with warmers then problem either under bar pad or along brake hose.
millenium rocket and devil in blue dress are right on in my opinion, you have wiring harness issues.
The tach blanking out when hitting the brake and switching high/low beam are my exact symptoms when my stator went out. My hand/thumb warmers wouldn't heat up at all, and there was a bog in the mid-range when they were turned on. Turn them off, no bog, turn them on, bog. Could produce it every time. I believe MrViper said this was because of the lack of voltage to the cdi when the warmers were demanding so much from a weak stator.
I still went through my wire harness...it is free to do except your time, and now it is better insulated. I would check the harness, but my money's on the stator.
I still went through my wire harness...it is free to do except your time, and now it is better insulated. I would check the harness, but my money's on the stator.
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SeX Viper
I had the same simptoms last year on my 02 viper. I first checked the wiring and found the harnes under the engine to have multiple bare wires. I fixed them and it was better but still had issues with the head light and speedo. I checked the stator and it was bad. Stators are kind of expensive but you can get used ones on ebay for a decent price. After doing some searching on here I sounds like it isn't if but when is your wiring harness under the motor going to rub through. My suggestion is to look at that first. It is easy to test the stator as well, if I remember correctly all you have to do is unplug the harness by the brake rotor and check the ohms between the 3 legs. If you do a search you should be able to figure out what the readings suppose to be but the quick check is if all three are the same. Check 1-2, 2-3, 1-3, most likely you have very high resistence across one of them or worse yet an open.
Same symptoms on mine. Was stator. Check harness then ohm stator alway start with cheapest possible issue. Good luck
Boy this is funny. sunday is the first time this year we get to ride, and mid way through the day the wifes 02 viper has it's gauge display go plank. I'am I seeing trend here.
Boy this is funny. sunday is the first time this year we get to ride, and mid way through the day the wifes 02 viper has it's gauge display go plank. I'am I seeing trend here.
I've seen a lot of threads on here of the stator failing in Vipers. I lost mine with about 2500 miles on the odometer. The replacement stator does have a slightly different part number, which usually indicates that they changed something.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
mod-it said:The tach blanking out when hitting the brake and switching high/low beam are my exact symptoms when my stator went out. My hand/thumb warmers wouldn't heat up at all, and there was a bog in the mid-range when they were turned on. Turn them off, no bog, turn them on, bog. Could produce it every time. I believe MrViper said this was because of the lack of voltage to the cdi when the warmers were demanding so much from a weak stator.
I still went through my wire harness...it is free to do except your time, and now it is better insulated. I would check the harness, but my money's on the stator.
His problems sound different to me than yours. His lights dim when he turns warmers/head lights OFF are BRIGHTER with warmers ON. With warmers on hitting brakes kills digital, with off its fine to hit brakes. At the least he should clean up his profile. Has 00srx as sled, than in signature srx sold, just got a viper.
New member
Lol i had the viper for two years now and i dont know how to change my sled thingy on the side jeez sooory for having a not updated profile lol.. but anyhow the stator was the problem. i went thru the harness last summer and everything was fine.. Bought a stator and chsnged it today and it works perfectly now. thanks all.
Mod it had the same problems has me.. maybe i didnt explain myself perfectly but most of you understood. thanks alot.
Mod it had the same problems has me.. maybe i didnt explain myself perfectly but most of you understood. thanks alot.
New member
There all updated my profile just for you...
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
jasonlmrx said:There all updated my profile just for you...
Didnt mean to offend you, Sorry if I did. Alot can be lost in translation and far to often guys will post a problem, than talk about another....than way back when my step sisters brother in laws cousin's sled and post gets so confusing....But they want an exact "this is your problem...And this is how you fix it" answer. I am some what guilty myself, I have picked up 4 more yammies since 00 and not added em, Still have the 00 though!
New member
Haha its alright sorry if i wrote that haha but yeaah i figured out how ti fix my profile and my sled so i wfixed two problems haha thanks for the info tho its really appriciated.
I'll test it soon, but Iam thinking that it's the deal. Figures stupid thing, just rolled 3000 miles.
I'll test it soon, but Iam thinking that it's the deal. Figures stupid thing, just rolled 3000 miles.
New member
I got 9000 km's on mine and bout it with five two years ago. lol first problem i have with it really.