jaws jr
New member
trying to get the last ride in, but need some input on trying to set up the suspension. when i get in the woods i have no front end bite. seems to have decent ski pressure, just put 8 inch carbides on, and loosened the limiter straps. it helped, but i'm still pushing thru the tight turns. any advice helpful. thanks. p.s. just had to share the lazy man's way to work on the sled.
Dude that is one sweet a** srx. check out this link. http://www.totallyamaha.net/forums/showthread.php?t=34503
You should post some more pics.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
Thats the $1500 dollar sled aint it? From a POOlaris guy that didnt like yammi's.
What happened to your trailing arm? Cool sled though!
You need to tighten the limiter straps for a little more ski pressure.
jaws jr
New member
yes this is the 1500$ beater. hit a pipe covered by snow and bent the trailing arm, bought one off ebay, but didn't show up so i chanced a ride and ended up snapping it in half. where the straps are now it has a really nice flat launch, by tighting them won't it lift more, or do i have it backwards?

tightening straps up pulls the rails up more and then this lets more weight towards the ski's.I have to much ski pressure my self and also need to put more pressure on the front skid shock.But will wait till next season as I don't feel like removing the shock right now..just got a few rides left.
bADa$$ SRX
New member
tightning limiter strap will have more ski pressure and less traction in back, loosening limiter strap will make you have less ski pressure and more pressure on the track, so in your case tighten the strap