2003sx Blown! Help


New member
Sep 6, 2011
2004 sx viper mountain Blown! Help

I have a 2004 sx viper mountain with 3500 miles on it. The sled felt like it was losing power at the end of last year, I stored it with gas treatment, cleaned the carbs before the season, and it ran fine for months. I started losing power again. I took pictures of the plugs trying to figure if I was running rich or lean. I got a compression test on it, sure enough the right cylinder is blown... cylinder compression is as follows lft 110 middle 89 right 25. To have Silverthorne Powersports do a rebuild would cost $2,200. ouch. That is with the expensive recoating of the sleeves/cylinders. This is my first sled. what options do I have? I am mechanically inclined but havn't done anything like a top end rebuild before. From the looks of it I probably can afford the parts, but not double that for the labor. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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Get it back from the stealership and take the heads off to see what is going on. With some pics and questions on this forum, you can probably do the job your self. My first top end rebuild was on a seadoo while it was in the water (waves from other boats was a b*tch). If I can do that, you can rebuild a motor on a sled.
get a good aftermarket manual(factory one is really for the technician) and put yourself thru a course in these engines. u will gain valuable knowledge and experience and save big $. dont need any expensive tools. may need the services of a machine shop possibly. look at it as an oppurtunity not a problem
davidgboy said:
get a good aftermarket manual(factory one is really for the technician) and put yourself thru a course in these engines.snip

It's been my experience that the Chilton/Klymore/a-m manuals are nearly useless. They don't do a good job of explaining theory and operation and IMO are only good for torque specs. The genuine Yamaha manuals aren't perfect but are much better than the a-m.

Get a genuine or become a VIP member here and have access to all of them.

Does the sled have a rear cooler? Did you run the sled for the first time with the stored/treated fuel? I'm guessing when you say right side you're talking about the mag/recoil side?

Lots of info here on mid-range lean-ness and cooling issues... enough for a few days reading. Plus you'll be able to find parts here from other members probably saving you coin on parts too.
A Viper of that age with that low of miles, I would put crank seals in it and check the crank out. Ive done three Vipers with center and mag rod bearings out. All with low miles. I blame it on poor storage. Take your time do it right, it will pay off in the end!
I would recomend opticool gasket for re-assembly, well worth the moneyas an insurance policy. Seems like I have seen complete viper motors on here for sale, not sure if they were the 6 or 7 though. Not sure about compatability for going from 6 to 7 in the vipers but something to think about,,,,,,,
Thank you for the advice. I have the viper service and supplemental manuals given to me by daman on this site. Hopefully I can figure this out and get back on the trail.
snomofo said:
davidgboy said:
get a good aftermarket manual(factory one is really for the technician) and put yourself thru a course in these engines.snip

It's been my experience that the Chilton/Klymore/a-m manuals are nearly useless. They don't do a good job of explaining theory and operation and IMO are only good for torque specs. The genuine Yamaha manuals aren't perfect but are much better than the a-m.

Get a genuine or become a VIP member here and have access to all of them.

Does the sled have a rear cooler? Did you run the sled for the first time with the stored/treated fuel? I'm guessing when you say right side you're talking about the mag/recoil side?

Lots of info here on mid-range lean-ness and cooling issues... enough for a few days reading. Plus you'll be able to find parts here from other members probably saving you coin on parts too.

It does have a rear cooler, I ran plenty of gas through the sled, probably four full tanks before this happened. riders right side cylinder blown. thanks man.
