Viper chaincase

Cam/ Viper adict

New member
Feb 13, 2009
A question concerning the bolt removal on the bottom gear in the chaincase. I go to loosen the bolt and it comes loose then tightens up on me as I back it out further. The sled has reverse. I am worried the bolt will break. I can tighten it back up then bring it out and it gets loose then tightens, am i missing something, is there something coming with it that I cant see.. The reson I am taking off the gears is because while riding the top nut came off and the jackshaft came loose. I got the nut but the washer off the top gear is in behind the lower gear and need to take off to get out and inspect everything.. The sled is a 02 Viper er

I guess I am in for a Hope she doesnt break, dont want to have to drop the skid just when the riding got good... Just seems very very tight..
just give her man...if the sled will be buying the Apex from Red River.One of our riding buddies(Ski-doo rider) totaled his sled in a culvert a couple weeks ago near the 59er.He is picking up his brand new 2011 Nytro Friday.He switched brands after we have been bugging him to switch.I know it will be warm out this weekend,he may come down and try it out.Next week most of the snow should be gone..hitting 11 C during the week...:o|.Can't wait to try out the Nytro and see what all the talk is about these 4

I am doing some riding Wed and Thursday yet,Friday already 5 may be it.
Cam/ Viper adict said:
I guess I am in for a Hope she doesnt break, dont want to have to drop the skid just when the riding got good... Just seems very very tight..

heat the head of the bolt with a mapp gas torch and it will loosen up the loctite from the heat.
Thanks Mrviper, a little heat and she came out like butter.. Inspected the bearings, gears, chain and nothing wrong. All the bearings are like new and gears and chain show no wear at all. Got to love it, over 13,000 khms on her and she shows no sign of wear in the chain case.. I do change the oil every season and that is probably the help, but dont understand why the nut came off the jackshaft. Oh well, 10.00 fix and I am back up and running.. Doug, the nytro is a nice riding sled but more stand up, the apex you would love, way more power.. I was on the red by St Adolph running against the nytro and a polaris 900 fusion, beat them both hands done on Saturday. They couldnt beleive my little Viper smoked them...
