fixed sheave for SRX primary


Dec 30, 2005
Howden ,Manitoba,Canada
well I sort of wrecked one of my fixed sheaves yesterday.Over tightened one bolt in one of the six holes in the back where I fasten my sheave remover.It basically almost punched out the other side..can't use it now.Got my spare clutch and removed it and was more careful.I noticed that there are 2 tiny 1/4" long cracks maybe down below,but they do not extend out anywhere,maybe a factory flaw.But will use that for now.I want to get a couple extra fixed sheaves.I heard the ones from an RX1 are more that true? Is the RX1 fixed sheaves a alternate replacement,any year RX1..

This, according to MODSRX.

"rx1 fix sheave look to be alots better vs the srx".
they are not more thicker but have more stuff behind they make them more strong will see it if u buy one ...
Here is some food for thought, what good does a thicker sheave do when the cracks are on the sheave face? they are not all the way thru they are just starting on the face, they will eventualy go thru or all the way across the sheave but right now they are just micro fractures on the sheave face, a thicker sheave will not solve the problem it is the aluminum seperating, any thoughts?
sxr1000 said:
Here is some food for thought, what good does a thicker sheave do when the cracks are on the sheave face? they are not all the way thru they are just starting on the face, they will eventualy go thru or all the way across the sheave but right now they are just micro fractures on the sheave face, a thicker sheave will not solve the problem it is the aluminum seperating, any thoughts?

make some grass drag at high engagement rpm and u will let me know ;)!
they lower the price for the srx sheave now was way more than that went winter start ...i guess they made a price ajustement on them ....its was almost 200$ but i just see that they lower the price ....thats a good things to know ...but the rx1 sheave are more strong at the back ....maybe a little heavier
mod you went to the stealership for yours I guess.Stock sheave is about $75 and RX1 about $74 on line where I buy and it is all OEM.Don't know where you found a $100 from one to the next.I think the stealership really ripped you good..DID you have to balance the clutch or was it bolt on and ride???Because if you have to pay someone to do that,better off getting the whole primary used from sponsors /sellers on here..
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no i buy it at portyamaha at the begenning of the winter ...the price drop big big time ....didnt realize that was bolt on and ride way smoother now i guess it was the good time to switch it .......i didnt want to make 100 of change so i didnt do the switch since 2 week...not sure went the price drop sure its not long ago ...i did take the rx1 sheave cause the price was way cheaper that u can get them at same price its your choice ;)!
good ..thanks..Just debating on it for the future I guess.Might just pick up three of them..1 to replace my damaged one,one for the other clutch that has slight slight little 1/4" cracks or cuts and one as spare...
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