Okay so 3k on it and center bearing seizes, anyways sent crank to Jeff and will be getting back soon. Will i need a sheave tool? i did scribe the motor mount holes to make sure it all goes back in the same position.
Also when i reassemble i was going to use a paint brush and dip it into oil and put a a lite coat on all parts in the case good or bad idea? Any tricks recommendation on anything when i do this.
Also when i reassemble i was going to use a paint brush and dip it into oil and put a a lite coat on all parts in the case good or bad idea? Any tricks recommendation on anything when i do this.
Best would be is to use a C-C clutch tool. Things have a way of not going together exactly the same way they came apart.
Coat the bearings and other parts will 2s oil when assembling the motor
Coat the bearings and other parts will 2s oil when assembling the motor
stein700sx said:Best would be is to use a C-C clutch tool. Things have a way of not going together exactly the same way they came apart.
Coat the bearings and other parts will 2s oil when assembling the motor
Where is the best place to get clutch tool?
So with the brush i should be fine then right? just afraid to use to much
Use STP instead of 2 stroke oil as assembly lube. And no you cant overdue it. STP is very sticky and will not run off parts in the assembly process. Smear STP into the ring lands and coat all parts pistons, rings, cylinders, bearings. Also put two ounces of two stroke in the case to allow additional oiling during the first few minutes of startup which is the most critical time of break-in.