just bought 93 fzr600... need some help

88 yamaha 570

New member
Jan 3, 2010
Bridgeport, NY
i just purchased a 93 fzr600 that had the clutch removed, new one needs to go in and few other things, does anyone know a good place to get a free service manual for this or should i order one off ebay? i could also use some help with a few things the guy said its missing. something in the clutch to push the rod in? i think a ball bearing... any help appreciated
I know the VIP gets you access to alot of manuals on line. Maybe message Mr sled and see if that manual is available prior to paying for VIP. Pretty sure any manual off e bay will cost more than $15
I am on the fence whether I should go the 15 per year or the 150 for life time. The 150 for life time gets you a bunch of swag (clothes,hat,stickers)
ok so i think im getting on a good start, clutch housing and boss are installed, soaking the clutch plates then installing them and just need 3 gaskets to finish putting it together, then need to clean gas tank out and clean carbs and she should be good to run!! who in NY wants to ride with me lol
ok so i got the motor up and running now the clutch wont engage, does anyone here know anything about these? ive adjusted the cable to books specs and even tried over adjusting to see if the clutch will ever engage, still every time i put it into gear it just stalls out on me,it seems as if the clutch discs are sticking together? i used mobil1 15w50 in the motor which i have read to be perfectly fine but am not sure, could this thick of oil cause the clutch to stick together? i also soaked the clutch in oil for 24 hours before installation
Does it stall out or just shut off? Reason I'm asking is on my FJ the kickstand safety switch will kill the motor if you put it into gear with the kickstand down. Just figured I'd throw it out there.
FJViper said:
Does it stall out or just shut off? Reason I'm asking is on my FJ the kickstand safety switch will kill the motor if you put it into gear with the kickstand down. Just figured I'd throw it out there.
ya i found out shortly after that it was the kickstand, i was looking up clutch adjustment issues and not dieing when put in gear, found like 15 forums with the same problem and it was kickstand, stupid mistake on my part but this is my first bike
Problem solved. Good deal. Those are nice bikes with the Delta box and exup. Plenty of snap and can handle very well.
ya only problem i have now is pilot jets broken off inside there tubes, dont know what to do about it yet but was thinking of trying fishing string for now to clean it out so i can ride some and hopefully replace the jets over winter
