Would a reverse kit off a 06 Apex fit an SRX. Thanks
I doubt it.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
I beleive you have to narrow your search to pro action suspension sled. Some one just posted parting out a venture. If that has reverse it should fit. If I remember correctly you will have to go aftermarket can as reverse kit eats up real estate claimed by stock can.
New member
correct the reverse from a venture will bolt in as the apex is a differnt style chain case
the srx exhaust can would need to be modded slightly
the srx exhaust can would need to be modded slightly
You can still use the factory muffler it just sits a bit closer to the bellypan and you will need to take a piece of flat bar to make an extension to bolt the brace back to where it fastens on at the footwell.If you do use an aftermarket can go with one designed like the Bender ones where the muffler part itself goes down straight if you know what I mean.I have an MBRP one and the tubes come out short and the muffler part goes down at an angle which puts it too close to the chaincase so in order to run it I had to either move the can over toward the bellypan or beat the side of the can in with a hammer where it hits on the chaincase.With the can sitting that close to the cab and bellypan you may notice some heating issues,melting of the plastics,so I'd suggest adding some kind of insulation like muffler packing around the outside of the can where it is so close to these areas.
I think I will stick with just installing electric start on my SRX for this summer. I have Bender Big Bore pipes so they might give me more clearence for reverse when I take that route.
I think I will stick with just installing electric start on my SRX for this summer. I have Bender Big Bore pipes so they might give me more clearence for reverse when I take that route.
bender big bore pipes will not work w/ reverse!! had to cut & reposition the stingers on mine, cut the mufflers down & cut the battery shelf off the chaincase cover to make room for the reverse. a lot of work & welding.