I am well aware of the benefits of pipe coating (epecially heat"sink"), but was interested in others EXPERIENCE wit triple sx triple ipes.
IF you have run it both ways did you make any changes on the carb side or notice improvements or was it simply the time to heat reduced.
Please share your experience with this motor pipe combo (Bender pipes)---was it worth the 300ish dollars??
IF you have run it both ways did you make any changes on the carb side or notice improvements or was it simply the time to heat reduced.
Please share your experience with this motor pipe combo (Bender pipes)---was it worth the 300ish dollars??
I had 2 piped 700,s with Bender pipes one coated one was uncoated. The sled with ceramic coated pipes warmed up quicker but after that there was no diff. The coated pipes do not rust & keep their looks tho.
New member
Turk, did you find the coated pipes any quieter, I find my benders very noise, when I coated them seems quieter, especailly at idle.
New member
I'm with Turk, I run the Benders coated and they hold in the heat from last run so you just get up and go. No heat up time needed. Look great and polish up nice like new every time!