Oil everywhere, is this normal?


New member
Jul 29, 2011
I'm finishing up my first complete engine rebuild and just put a gallon of oil back into the reservoir. when trying the bleed the lines i haven't been able to get fluid to move up to the bleed line. I tried rotating the primary clutch to cycle the cylinders and operate the oil pump to move some oil through the lines. still nothing in the bleed line. the next morning my floor is covered with a quart of oil that apparently escaped through the center cylinder intake where the carb and boot would be, the otyher two cylinders do not appear to leak oil. kinda makes sense that this would happen, but i'm not sure if i'm just an idiot or i have a problem with the oil pump, since there is still nothing in the bleed line.

Suggestions? has anyone doe this successfully?`

Update: center cylinder reed valve and exhasut pipes also filled with oil. can haer center cylinder "burping" when turning primary sheave
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Dont know about the leak or the bleed line. I mix 2 gallons of premix with something other than what i am injecting. The extra oil once the injection catchs up while running the 2 gallons out. I use amsoil interceptor that has a pretty specific smell so I know when it start burning it. Pretty sure even with carbs off it shouldnt just leak a quart overnight(or any for that matter). I would check the hose/nipples for the direct oiling of bearings. Do you have pulse line hooked up? If so thats driving your fuel pump and with out gas in tank it would pump straight oil out of fuel lines.
It looks like it might be the oil pump locked on open. my center cylinder floods until the reservoir fluid height is roughly the same height as the intake aka both fluid heights are the same. i think this means the pump isn't pumping but simply allowing a constant open for the fluid to flow through. only thing i can come up with. still nothing in the bleed line
maye the simpler question is, where does the oil line rom the resrvoir get connected? right now i have this line going straight to the hose barb in the crankcase that feeds the center cylinder. seems right per the shop manual but maybe this needs to go somewhere else?
here is a pic of pump

BarrySRX said:
maye the simpler question is, where does the oil line rom the resrvoir get connected? right now i have this line going straight to the hose barb in the crankcase that feeds the center cylinder. seems right per the shop manual but maybe this needs to go somewhere else?
I don't think the oil tank is supposed to connected to barb of crankcase..that has to go to the pump and then gets pumped into crankcase.If you have the oil tank connected there,it will just keep dumping oil automatically,That is why you have no oil in bleed line.
I took this pic when I was re building my SRX motor.Maybe this helps you a little

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Are you sure its the barb/nipple that feeds the center cyclinder? Could it be on the pulse line that sucks vacum to drive fuel pump? I will look under my hood and post again. The diagram helps but with out the list of what numbers are and a "this hose goes to" hard to figure out.
Took a look at my 01. From what I can tell with it all together feed from tank goes to oil pump, out line from oil pump has a T in it. One side runs to fuel pump and other to nipple for direct oiling to bearing. Hope this helps.
Devilin AblueDress! said:
Took a look at my 01. From what I can tell with it all together feed from tank goes to oil pump, out line from oil pump has a T in it. One side runs to fuel pump and other to nipple for direct oiling to bearing. Hope this helps.

Makes a lot of sense that the oil tank should connect to the oil pump and not directly to the bearing oil barb on the center cyl. I know for sure the oil line is bypassing the oil pump and connecting to the cc barb right now and causing the overflow. the pulse line is connected from the pump to the fuel mixer near the secondary sheeve, which i think is correct. looks like i have something else mixed up. I'll have to give it another look this week.

thanks for teh clarification, i knew something was wonky here!
lucky you haven't tried to start it.My stepson years back had a 95 vmax600.Did carb cleaning here and didn't pay attention how to hook lines up.We wanted to go riding on a Friday night..he just bought the sled.Tried starting it and it was weird...hardly firing and when it did the smoke was so thick and had to keep throttle going.We just gave up and he used my SXR instead.Later I asked him if he put the lines in the right order and he said he couldn't remember.So I looked at it and switched lines around..bingo she was running again.Moral of the story..when you start to take off a whole bunch of lines..mark them properly.I take a white track marker and make dots on line and dots on fitting the same..ie) 1 dot for one connection,2 dots for another and so forth.Then when putting things back I just line up the marks ..Done this with wires from the coil as well in my 600 after one season after cleaning carbs,disconnecting wires...could not start the sled,had wires mixed up.Now have them dotted to match up properly.
bluemonster1 said:
I don't think the oil tank is supposed to connected to barb of crankcase..that has to go to the pump and then gets pumped into crankcase.If you have the oil tank connected there,it will just keep dumping oil automatically,That is why you have no oil in bleed line.
I took this pic when I was re building my SRX motor.Maybe this helps you a little


Thanks Blue, that picture does help . it looks like the line coming from your crankcase wall (the barb at the center cylinder) is headed toward your fuel/oil mixer. definitely not the way i have mine now.
that pic was takens 2 seasons back,can't tell myself where things go.Someone has to go to their sled and actually take a good look at things.There is no real good pic of the setup in the manual either...trick was to mark all lines before removing.
So in regards to the pulser hose. it looks like it should run between the fuel pump and crank case barb near the oil pump bleed screw (this is the black hose). It seems like the piston draws air from pulser hose on the upstroke creating a vacuum at the fuel pump. that vacuum then pulls in the oil and fuel from the oil pump and fuel tank into the fuel pump and out to the carbs.
