Sheave gauge


New member
Feb 12, 2012
I have looked everywhere and i find them but not for the electric start.
Any one have a print or where to get one so i can build it myself or does someone have one they would sell or let me borrow so i can copy it.It's for my 2002 viper. It say i need model YS-45472. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

There is no one on this site that can tell me where to find this tool? How is anyone lining up after pulling motor? Must be a trick.
what are you asking for..a center to center tool?If so..doesn't matter if electric start or not.The good ones are around $150 a piece.


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bluemonster1 said:
what are you asking for..a center to center tool?If so..doesn't matter if electric start or not.The good ones are around $150 a piece.
No blue looking for the alignment tool.
I think he looking for the offset gauge. On a non e start, I think its a 15 mm offset, rear of secondary out 15 mm further than primary. I guess you would have to add the thickness of ring gear to that measurement. So say 15 mm ring gear?? Plus 15 mm ofset, would be a 30 mm offset to back of ring gear. Not sure on thickness of ring gear, just an example, of tool you could make.
^X2^ the tool monster is talking about does center to center and off set, some work with e start and some dont. Make sure it will before you drop the dough. I seem your thread a couple days ago and the "sheave gauge" threw me off, wasnt sure what you were talking about.
It was hassle but when we put my buddys sled back together we put a regular primary on, used regular tool I have, bolted engine down, put estart primary back on. Having it all on hand was easier than finding tool.
you can use a straight edge slid down in the secondary laid across the primary, you want it to hit center, then measure the front and back, you want a 1mm offset for engine twist.
