I had a question for some of the mechanics out there. I am going to be putting my sled back together after some work. The bolts are not rusted really, they have a white chalkish substance. I assume it is factory loc-tite. I could be wrong. Anyway, I do not want to fight these bolts again, nor do I want them to fall off. Blue loc-tite always, but how to clean. I thought about a brass brush, and then soak them in oil. This might leave a film of oil that the loc-tite wont stick to. WD40? Anyone have some tips that have worked for them? Thanks
That's what I use as well.TrueBlue said:Wire brush wheel.
the white residue is not loctite. more the result of corrosion of sorts between the disimilar metals along with moisture.
wire wheel cleans them up real good. to my knowledge no one has found a replacement or substitute for the beautiful oem coating. powder coat would be fun if your pockets are deep, but i have had moderate success with anti-seize on the non-threaded portions of the bolts to reduce stiction
wire wheel cleans them up real good. to my knowledge no one has found a replacement or substitute for the beautiful oem coating. powder coat would be fun if your pockets are deep, but i have had moderate success with anti-seize on the non-threaded portions of the bolts to reduce stiction
Next big project I have I think I might try one of these.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
X2 on the wire brush. I have bench grinder with grinding wheel on one end anda wirewhhel on the other. If you got tough fingers you can do it with just your hans, If not put bolt in a pair of pliers/locking pliers.