Major trail sign changes for Michigan


Site Admin/CEO
Staff member
Apr 25, 2003
Weston WI
Heard about some major trail sign changes for Michigan.

"Draft #6 of the new sign manual was recommended for approval by the SAW committee on March 1st and should be finalized soon. Eleven existing signs will be removed from the trails including winding trail, narrow trail, 2-way trail, and chevrons. CURVES will no longer be signed, just TURNS. There will be 6 new or changed signs. The 2012 sign order form is going out to the grant sponsors this week and is also available "on-line". The finalized sign manual should be "on-line" soon."

This came from about 1/3 of the way down the page under "Highlights of 3-24-2012 MSA Board of Directors Meeting". They have approved the changes for this year and will be moving forward with removing signage from "curves" or winding trails and only signing legit "turns" in hopes that the lack of signs will make the drivers go slower because they do not know what is coming up in the trail

I heard that it WAS finalized and IT IS NOW the way it is.... Makes you wonder WHAT they're thinking???? Makes you also wonder "where do they get these ROCKET SCIENTISTS at'???? Doesn't it?????
When are they going to come up with a "Curvy section, Expect a local coming up behind or at you FAST!" They probably based their decisions on accidents caused by lack of/poor snow conditions.
Once again the elected officials must have been HUAFFA (head up a$$ fighting for air) when they made this decision. I wonder how many people will end up having to be severly hurt or possibly killed because of the lack of signage before they will pull their heads out and reverse their decision?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
staggs65 said:
that sounds like a good sign for the garage wall, pretty sure the wife wouldnt let me hang it over the bed.

When I was a young man and single I had one over the headboard. LOL

Yeah, it came down quickly after she ate the wedding cake.
