Viper Clutching with Triple Pipes


New member
Oct 13, 2003
Phillips, WI
:? Does anyone have any clutching suggestions to use on a tripple piped Viper? I have Bender VIP's and I am running Heel Clickers with their helix and recommended settings.. After several calls to Bender and different adjustments to the HC, Weights, etc I have totally given up on the HC's. I simply cannot get the HC's to work for me. After installing the pipes and HC's I have simply lost top end speed and as I have read from many of last years posts on TY my clutches also run HOT. Of course the problem with trying to dial it in myself is that I don't know what the angles are on the helix (s) that I have from Bender. I don't want to waste more time and money with Bender purchasing their non HC clutch kit because if that doesn't work then I am stuck with another bastard Helix that I can't identify.. I am looking for someone who is currently running the Bender Pipes without the Heel Clicker setup.. The motor seems to run very strong, I just don't feel like I am getting the power to the ground. I am looking for a setup that works well in the trails, but still beats my buddies stock Viper across the lake.. Is that too much to ask after spending $$$$ on pipes? Any help would be greatly appreciated... Thanks in advance..CLCL
common complaint

Many people complain about HC top end, but one last try may be the set up listed by Turk in the Tech page...

good luck
Viper Clutching

CLCL - I have a CPR piped Viper with Jeff's Heavy Hitter setup and it works great. I know it's not exactly what you were asking in your post since I don't have Bender pipes but you may want to consider going to the HH's as they are quite simple to dial in. It also uses the stock helix so you know what you're dealing with. I also had a hot clutch problem last year and found one of my front left motor mount bolts (one holding the mount to the engine) to be missing. After replacement of the bolt and a re-alignment of the clutches no more hot belt. You may want to check yours to make sure you don't have a motor mount problem. I'm assuming you have a torque stop as well? If not that would also cause a hot belt and poor top end. BTW - my Viper with this setup walks all over my bud's 2001 SRX so you should expect similar results when you get the power to the ground. If you have any questions, PM me.
