weight reduction on a phazer?


New member
Nov 28, 2011
Johnsburg ny
i want to make my 91 phazer 2 into a mountain mod sled and was wondering what i could trash to cut back on the weight and what to do to squeeze some power out of it without getting into the motor? thanks for the help.
adding a pipe will be your best bang for the buck, along with gearing and clutching. gears are getting as rare as hens teeth for the pz's these days.

not much to lighten up on those except for the skid and a few iron pieces.

how long of track are you thinking?

i actually drilled several holes in some of the main iron structural parts, seemed like a good idea at the time. after several hours drilling, i think i came up with just under a pound of little metal circles. rear bumper cover removal along with a reconfigured rear bumper from aluminum tubing sheds alot more weight. theres some bracketry that can be replaced with aluminum plate for more insignificant weight savings, but its a labor of love more than productive.

Here's one somebody went nuts on. I don't remember whose it was but it weighed 360ish IIRC
thanks for the info guys and if i end up putting a diff skid in i was thinkin of jumping up to a 136 or a 144.. and ill check it out and see what i can ditch to make it lighter, i chopped the seat so far iv just gotta get some material to cover the seat, and anyone know where i can find a decent, boysen,psi, or aaen pipe?
i have an aaen pipe along with jets for 5-7000' ish, among other jetting options. i had it powder coated locally in what is supposed to be a high heat black coating, more on that if needed. havent ran that pipe yet but the one they did off the polaris shows promise after one season.

make me a reasonable offer, i may part with it along with countless other phazer parts. i am seriously considering fully exiting the phazer business as no one rides these anymore at my place.
Taking the side panels off will reduce some weight and make it way cooler under the hood which will give it more power.
You could also shed the oil tank & oil pump, then premix it. That would get you weight of the parts and also to weight of the oil... Also get rid of the metal skis... Redeisgning the seat with something lighter might also get you some pounds.
