USSA anounces new 120/Briggs class

Bob Vehring

New member
Dec 10, 2008
Milw. Wi
This past June, at the ISR meeting for 120 and Kitty Kats, a new class was developed as a joint effort from Arctic Cat and Briggs and Stratton Motorsports.
For well over a decade Briggs Motorsports has offered its 206 cc Animal engine, built exclusivly for various forms of racing in Kart racing and Quarter Midgits and is the most widely used engines in those sports.
The LO206 version of this engine is a factory sealed engine, hand built on its own assembly line here in Milwaukee Wi These engines produce 8.8 HP
These engines bolt directly into any of the 4 brands of 120 sleds with very little modifactions, a spec pipe is being developed, and it will use the OEM factory clutch. The engine will be run under the exsisting ISR Sprint chassis rules.
I think this class will go a long way to solve several problems the big oval series have had in the past.

This class will provide a economical and very equal class for kids to get started on any of the 4 brands of sleds. No longer will one brand be faster.

It will provide a place or the 8-12 year old kids to get started on the bigger tracks at a safer speed then the 120 champs or the Jr Classes.

One of the problems 120 parents with multiple kids face is, when one child out grows the age limits in the 120 series, but still has smaller kids racing, he has no place to go. We now offer a place where both age groups can race together.

For the exsisting Oval series this class should go along way in bringing new kids into our exsisting Jr Classes

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