difference between 98 and 2002 srx


New member
Oct 29, 2006
Basalt CO.
What is the difference between a 98 srx and 2002 srx engine? My 02 has some scoring on the cylinders and i have a complete 98 engine with 1100 original miles sitting on the self. Trying to decide if i should swap out cylinders or the complete engine.

The two engines are very similar. Main differences are the ignition system and port timing. The easiest and cheapest option is to swap the top end parts. The main thing to keep in mind before this is the milage on the 2002 engine. Are the crank seals and bearings in good condition? If not the switch out to the 98 engine is still an option. You will need a 98 wiring harness and cdi however and that gets pricey
electrical and bottom end of motor will not interchange. lots of upgrades between the years. try a search. lots of info
99 harness would have to be modifed/chopped up. 98 only tear power valve servo was by carbs, 99 and up are all on left side above secondary. Do you have any 98-99 srx's? They are weaker stator single bulb head light. If you dont sell the 98 and y parts for the 02. Was your DCS sytem triggered?
