RE: camoplast finger track question


New member
May 19, 2003
Churchill Falls,NL, Canada
RE: camoplast finger track question

anyone here running this track? I find my engine runs hot all the time, I looked under the tunnel and found this track don't throw up any snow to cool the tunnel coolers, no rooster trail, nothing, it sticks in the snow and pulls up- great for acceleration on packed trails and racing but not good for cooling, any ideas? I even installed benders two tunnel coolers so I have 6 coolers now on my mmax, any ideas???Will ice scratchers help reach the coolers under the footwell area?


You should have all ther cooling you would ever need now. Those must have been some hard packed trails that you were running down.
That there track be designed for mountains, like any deep lug track design it aint gonna pull up much snow. I use ice scratchers for my sled with all bogies removed. This pulls up enough snow to keep things cool while we trail up to the alpine.

I am surprised with all of that cooloing you are getting hot..In my opinion you are chasing the problem at the wrong end---I am not sure of your mods/jetting etc, but HP =heat. Unless you are running on a glacier you shouldnt be having problems. I dont know what "hot" is --like temp light or gauge, or how long you run before it heats.
If it is overheating quick you may need to bleed system or check your pump impeller...Again, not sure what "hot" is, but depends how soon it happens.

Good luck, but save your $$ on add ons for now.
No Glaciers here, lol, but --- HOT is getting up to 200-210 degrees f. The trails are not that hard but are packed down well from other sleds. It idles ok and is nice and cool then but after driving for like only 10 minutes it's up on red! My overheat light don't come on though (what temp does it come on at anyone know?)I don't think there is air in there, bled it many times and all the coolers are getting hot to the touch so I know it's circulating, I checked my impellor too when I had the engine apart, all looked ok, I even changed the seal when I was in there, (there was a hint of a leak from before). I don't know if i can trust that guage, I'm gonna look for a thermometer to put down in the coolant when it shows 200 and see what it reads (after bleeding off the coolant pressure first of course). im not sure I beleive this new guage.

