I just bought an Exciter and I have been reading up on it, what I do know is that it has a psi it looks to be ported what I want to know is from what I have read the oil injection on these sleds adds the oil before the carbs by the oil pump here is my question on my sled the oil pump has 2 hoses coming out of it and they go to jets in the motor flange for each cylinder has someone changed the oil pump to a different style. I can pictures later on if that helps, thanks for the help.
VIP Member
that is the direct oil kit,same pump,those original 2 lines used to go into tees before fuel pump.i think you can still look up the kit on benders website for newer models,same thing.
Thanks that is what I though but I didn't think that there would be 2 oil lines off the pump if it went to one place. Thank you for the answer and one other question what is the best way to test the oil pump to make sure it is working I bought this sled and is has not been run in a few years and just want to make sure everything is up to par before I start it up.
Active member
In stock form there was a T in the line between the fuel pump and shut off valve. That T had 2 small ports on it for the oil injection lines. On sleds with twin pumps there were 2 seperate T's with one oil port each. Don't know why it was done that way on the EX.
Thanks I just need to make sure that the oil pump is working
I know I had an old Vmax 540 which had brass nipples on the intakes, that were for syncing the carbs, the direct injection kits would be drilled into the rubber intake boots right before the cylinder. If they were oiled right into the sync nipples, which would have been easier, and tempting because of that, I was told that wouldnt create enough time for the oil/fuel to mix. Not sure exactly what you have, just food for thought. Never ASSUME ANYTHING!

This is what the oil line to boot looks like
VIP Member
that looks right,my old 90 went 10,000 miles with that setup,still was running when i sold it.what ive seen go bad is the return spring in the pump,when you pulled the cable it wouldnt return,just float around.maybe you could start it and pull a line off to see if its working.the exciter sync ports are on top of the carbs..
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Thank you I hope to get it fired up this weekend I bought it with out starting it so I am kinda excited to get it running
VIP Member
you ever get it running?