Idle question


Jul 24, 2012
Central Iowa
I just cleaned power valves and planned to adjust them but I turned my idle screw as far out as it will go and it is 1800 rpm. I have a holtzman and wonder if that would make my idle higher? Or should I just pull carbs clean them and check fuel screws and jetting then see if I can get to 900 rpm. Btw this sled is completely new to me.

Not sure about the Holtzman but if it is hot out it's going to run lean to compensate i would guess. I don't even fire my sled up until I go through my carbs. Make sure all clamps, bolts etc. are tight. Since the sled is new to you, go through the carbs and find out what you've got and where everything is set at. That way, you've got a baseline to go with.
just my .02
After re-assembley I always spray some carb cleaner or something similar down by the boots to check for leaks. You may have to half or full choke it, idle may be rough and stumbling but will be below the 900 rpm.
Alright thanks for the advice. I will have to go through those and see if that gets me where I need to be to adjust the power valves.
